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Blue Panther/Shu El Guerrero vs Black Terry/Villano III

ohtani's jacket


Blue Panther/Shu El Guerrero vs Black Terry/Villano III (2004?)


This is the match that Black Terry's son put on youtube for us.


It's thirty minutes of old school lucha, worked entirely on the mat. I've watched it twice now, and of all the mat based lucha that's ever been pimped, this is up there with the best of it. Of all the small show, veteran matches that have been pimped this decade, this is almost certainly the best. You almost have to watch it twice to catch all the subtleties. The highlight for lucha fans is watching Blue Panther in a match like this & his exchanges with Villano III in the first fall are AMAZING.


You don't have to be a lucha fan to enjoy this, just a pro-wrestling fan, as Robert on DVDVR said.


Non-lucha fans will enjoy the physicality of the mat work, which is sometimes mistaken as being loose in lucha, while lucha fans will be blown away by how much further they take some well known spots.


One of my favourite matches this decade.


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