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Space Cadets vs. Exoticos (UWA 1984)

ohtani's jacket


Los Cadetes Del Espacio (Solar, Ultraman, Super Astro) vs. Los Exoticos (Sergio El Hermoso, Bello Greco, Rudy Reyna), UWA 1984


I thought I should choose something spectacular for my 100th entry and here it is -- Space Cadets vs. Exoticos from 1984.


Phenomenal match really. One unbelievable spot after another and pure entertainment at that.


It was all wolf whistles and matwork to begin with. The Exoticos were fantastic; running away, avoiding engagement, working slick exchanges when they would grapple. The Space Cadets were sensational on the mat, but couldn't pin the rudos down. A fight broke out and that's when the Exoticos showed how savvy they were. There was a lot of strutting and effeminate bumping, but when it came time for the dirty work, they had a real vicious streak. Great clubbing blows; knees and elbows to the face. All that good shit.


The Cadets were yet to bust loose, but when they rallied, the height Super Astro got on his backflip was unreal. To celebrate, he began his Fred Astaire act, but Reyna stuck his ass out. Nevertheless, they finished the fall in style. Greco tried to hook Solar and caught Sergio on the apron. Solar monkey flipped the Exotico, leapt to his feet and dived through the ropes, nailing El Hermoso with the tope. Ultraman gave Super Astro a springboard over the top rope for a swan dive tope, then finished the stanza with a superplex off the top rope. It was a classy three-pronged attack.


The third fall was a series of awesome exchanges, with the Exoticos doing their damnedest to cheat and the Cadets having none of it. Super Astro chased the fleeing Reyna and caught him with his trademark tope, Sergio El Hermoso took incredible bumps off Solar's wrist work and Ultraman had the combos going. There was nothing clean, as guys kept entering the ring and breaking holds. There was a lot of bad feeling, as the Exoticos were pissed at the Cadets' flying show, and, as we know, it doesn't take much to raise a technico's ire. In this case, it was expressed with hooks and right crosses, which I thought was exceptionally cool. Ultraman and Sergio El Hermoso going toe-to-toe was perhaps the highlight of the match. In the end, the Cadets were a little too classy and navigated the chaos a little better, but let me tell you, it was a great match.


It had pretty much everything you want from lucha -- matwork, dives, punches, the odd hilarious moment, but more than that it had class. It had rudos who knew when to bump and sell and when to cheat and brawl, and technicos who did spectacular things and sought out greater heights. Space Cadets fly, that's what they do. Exoticos act gay, but hit people in the mouth.


This was right up there with anything I've seen in lucha. They could've gone another three rounds and it would've been just as good. Great lucha should leave you on a high and this was tremendous.


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