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Solar/Super Astro vs. Blue Panther/Sergio El Hermoso

ohtani's jacket


Blue Panther/Sergio el Hermoso vs Solar/Super Astro, 10/18/87


This is a match I've seen a few times before and never cared for, but after being so impressed with Sergio el Hermoso in the Exoticos match, I thought I'd give it another run through. In all honesty, I wish I hadn't. I can't believe such a poor match gets touted as some kind of 80s find.


It starts off with the promise of Solar/Panther matwork, and Solar is awesome on the mat, but Panther's counters are awful by his standards. On a good night, you'd expect Panther to take charge and match Solar hold for hold, but his counters were unimaginative and amounted to surfboard variations. The rest of the match was just as uninspired. For the most part it was a rudo beatdown, and while Panther threw some great punches, the match just drifted. Solar did his upmost to put some extra zip into his whips and so forth, but he was the only guy having a good night. Sergio el Hermoso was slow and didn't want to bump. He didn't make the slightest difference by his presence and could've easily not been there. Solar was the only guy who tried to up the tempo, and if you don't vary the pace in a match, it meanders. The highlight of the final two falls was Solar getting amazing lift on his backbreaker. I think they had problems with the ropes, but there's other ways to rally back.


There's a point where a match goes from being a letdown to pretty much crap and that happened when there was no technico fight back and no rudo bumping. The match was underwhelming and then it just went under. Chief whinge this, but it's bad.


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