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Quick Update



For anyone who may be keeping up with this blog, but mostly for my own records I wanted throw up a quick update.


It seems I've hit a wall with this project, but I seem to be coming around and finishing up some lose ends.


I've finished all of WWE TV (RAW, Smackdown, ECW, etc) for 2007 and about the first six months of TNA Impact!. So far I have seven TV matches picked as contender's for MOTY.


I felt I needed a change of pace half way through Impact for 2007 so I went back to try and finalize 2000-2004 narrowing it down to the best of the best. I still haven't dove into Japan, Mexico or much of US Indy's for the first half of the decade due to difficulty acquiring footage for cheap, but for the major US promotions through the end of 2003, here is my current count:


WWE 2000 - 2003: 20


TNA 2002-2003: 10


ROH 2002-2003: 9


ECW 2000-2001: 5


WCW 2000-2001: 10


My plan going forward is to finish 2004, then try my best to find anything I may have missed between 2005-2007 including finishing up Impact for the year. After that I will either try to work on Japan/Mexico/US Indies for 2000-2004 or go ahead and finish out 2008-2009. Either of those are virtually brand new stuff for me as I haven't seen but a handful of matches since 2007 so it should be fun.


I hope by the end of 2013 I will have Top 25 for each company for the decade and Top 10 per company, per year.


Note: I am also keeping "second tier" level matches for use in case a poll comes up that requires more than 50 or so matches for a company. I also have a "third tier" that consists of stuff I eliminated through the second round of watching, but it is more for a "worth watching for some reason" type of record keeping.




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