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SWS & WAR: Kendo Nagasaki

G. Badger


Kendo Nagasaki doesn't suck as a wrestler. His stuff in BJW isn't the best but, his work in SWS & WAR is pretty darn good!


Ashura Hara & Genichiro Tenryu vs Kendo Nagasaki & Shinichi Nakano (08/09/91 SWS): I think a misconception that I had about Strong & Straight Super World Sports' association with WWF was that they'd tone down the stiff rugged wrestling.


I've come to know that the native vs native matches are some great clubbering stuff. No toning down. This little match is no exception! Holy Guacamole! They just beat each other ugly. Of course the bruising Revolution team go after the smaller Nakano like they want his lunch money. Kendo is older brother trying to keep little Shinichi safe. And then Shiny-chi goes all Ralphie on Tenryu's Farkus...definitely some pent up rage behind those Choshu/Sekimoto chest punches. This was a great violent match and under 10 minutes too. You know, this was more a fight than a match.


Fuyuki & Shinichi Nakano vs Kendo Nagasaki & The Great Kabuki (09/17/91 SWS): It picks up at just about 8 minutes in and things are going at a good pace. The action starts getting good once Kendo slams Fuyuki on the table. Kabuki's offense is great here and while nothing otherwise amazing happens, its fun for what we see.


Tenryu, Onita & Bigelow vs. Kendo Nagasaki, Aoyagi & Arashi (07/17/94 WAR): This had good reason to blow in '94 but, Nagasaki went insane and Onita got to play hero. Check this one out for sure! Tenryu & Onita versus old foes is great stuff.


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