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Wrestling with History & Teaching


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I taught U.S. History for ten years. There are a couple of reasons it isn't going to be retained by the student. 1. The students don't give a shit. Unless you can make the topic directly relate to them and their personal experience, it won't register as important. You can create lessons that make a connection the kid but that takes time. You don't always have the appropriate time to teach a subject with the depth and rigor it requires for them to retain the information long term. Instead, you compensate by creating lessons or projects that package a ton of information in an appealing package such as a booklet/pamphlet or a "foldable". 2. The transition of standardized testing acting as tools to improve weaknesses to now becoming high stake tests that determine a person's employment status. I have three kids to feed and a mortgage to pay. I would love to buck the system but you have to make value calls. If making students pass the test is the goal that matters most to your administrator then that is how you design your class.


This is all so true, and in the case of #2 so sad. I don't think most people outside of education get it.

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