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I rate on this scale Butch, make of it what you will. If you consider a 12-point scale, ** is the equivalent of 4 out of 12, which is "bad" in my book.


(NB. the sub-DUD ratings are very seldom used)


A* = ***** - one of the best matches I've ever seen, all-time classic

A = ****3/4 - superlative match but not quite all-time best level for whatever reason

A- = ****1/2 - excellent match that you could point to as an example of "great" for any of the workers involved


B+ = **** - very very good match but with some reservations or otherwise something is missing to stop it being truly "great"

B = ***3/4 - very good match

B- = ***1/2 - solid stuff but with some flaws or issues


C+ = *** - solid but not setting the world on fire, a lot of "fun" stuff will find its way to this rating. Generally anything of C+ and up is something I liked.

C = **1/2 - solid but with serious flaws that significantly undermine it

C- = ** - getting into territory here where I really didn't like the match


D+= *1/2 - I didn't like the match and think it actively sucked

D =* - serious levels of suck now

D-=DUD - total crap


E+= -* - total crap that caused me to actually get angry at how bad it was

E= -** - as above, squared


F = Contender for worst match I've ever seen

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