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Your Favorite Time Period for ROH


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December 2002 - July 2006 for me.


Danielson vs. London live in December 2002 was the first time I saw that ROH had the ability to do something special. When WCW died, I didn't think I would see that again (which is stupid in retrospect but it was how I felt at the time).


They topped themselves that April with Epic Encounter and regardless of tomk and Naylor starting the whole dueling chants thing, this was when I really started to think there was something special. This was also the first show with the lights.


My favorite consecutive individual period would be July 2004 - December 2004. Danielson vs. Aries going 75 minutes was fun to watch live, just to see what they were going to do. MX Reunion was one of the best live shows I have seen. Punk vs. Joe II on tape was excellent. Seeing Liger live twice in 2004 was awesome. Punk vs. Joe III was a heck of a match on tape. And then Aries vs. Joe at Final Battle had an amazing final five minutes. ROH kind of peaked for me those last five minutes. It's funny because the first 7-8 minutes of the match have much less heat for two guys who were very over but the stretch run was absolutely nuts.


2005 had Kobashi/Joe, Summer of Punk, and some other decent things but they weren't able to capture the feel of 2004 for me on a show by show basis. Loved the CZW feud in 2006 but by the end of 2006, I was no longer purchasing every show on DVD and by the end of 2007, it was more common to not buy a DVD.

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I picked up the first five or six shows on VHS and enjoyed them quite a bit. Finances stopped me from watching for a while but I got back into the company during Joe's run, the rise of Generation Next and was around for the summer of Punk, the James Gibson run, and the early stages of Danielson's run.


I ended up checking out again for a while due to a general lack of interest in wrestling, but right around the time Nigel won the title, they started running near me so I started attending the shows and got back into the company again. Once the belt came off Nigel, the company really went down hill for me and then they stopped running near me a little while later, so I pretty much gave up on them.


I moved a few years later and where I am now has the Sinclair show, so I started watching it, and I enjoy a few of the guys they have now so I watch off and on. I attended my first show since 2010 just a few weeks ago, which was the tv taping that is currently airing.

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