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[1995-04-03-WWF-Raw] Bull Nakano vs Alundra Blayze


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Well, this is going to be the most balls-out TV match of the year, I expect. This is worked at a joshi-level pace the whole way, for better (the advanced moves, the pacing not seen on WWF TV) and for worse (Bull takes a German suplex on the floor and sells it like a hip toss). Not much of a psychological masterpiece but for a 7-minute TV sprint loaded with big moves, this is fun as hell and a must for any supplemental set. Blayze regains the Women's title and has her nose broken afterward by a debuting Rhonda Singh. Singles match of Madusa's career?

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  • 2 years later...

Surprised this was thrown on the WWE superstars of the 90s set and was amazed that essentially a Joshi match made American TV no less on WWF. Nakano was pretty great here as was Madusa/Blaze. No shenanigans, count outs, b.s. just all action. The German on the floor was goofy as it led into a transition with Bull getting back in control for a bit but, what the heck! This was a fun match!

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  • GSR changed the title to [1995-04-03-WWF-Raw] Bull Nakano vs Alundra Blayze
  • 4 years later...

A condensed Joshi match transplanted straight onto WWF TV in 1995. Incredible, really. It's so different from anything the American crowd is used to that nobody knows how to react. Nakano goes all out here, and she has great chemistry with Blayze, too.


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