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Shoe's ongoing MOTYC for 2016


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6/11/16 ROH TV Kyle O'Reilly vs Kushida 4 1/4*


These guys have great chemistry together. We get some mat work to start. We see Kushida with some really nifty arm work. O'Reilly going after the leg. The ebbs and flows in this were great. Some of the transitions are breathtaking. When Kushida captures O'Reilly in the triangle on the floor was simply amazing.

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2/7/16 RPW Zach Sabre Jr vs Will O'Spreay 4 1/4*


Sabre Jr was great working on top and controlling the match . His focus was on the neck and he just destroyed it. Now Will's selling was the key. He fought underneath for a large portion of the bout. He sold his neck, and made comeback's. Will relied more on his selling and charisma than his spots.

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6/19/16 WWE John Cena vs AJ Styles 4 1/4*


What a nuclear crowd and they're reacting like this is the biggest match the company can offer right now. This was a really strong 1st match of what could be an epic feud. I loved the story of AJ out wrestling Cena. Everytime Cena would get some momentum going AJ would cut him off . I thought Cena was really good with his selling especially after the Calf Crusher. Also Cena's little looks of frustrating was done really well. I loved AJ talking trash. They build to the finish, and The Club help AJ win. The finish has some circles complaining. To me he's a heel, he cheated, and it builds to a rematch. It works for me. In today's era of the network it's built similar to the old MSG model .

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6/18/16 PWX Cedric Alexander vs Zach Sabre Jr 4 1/2*


Holy moly was this just a great match that should appeal to almost everyone. It has mat wrestling, it has dives, it has great selling, an incredible babyface, the work is focused. Alexander I think is the best baby face in wrestling. Sabre Jr was a master at working the arm. Alexander's selling made the arm come across even more nastier. ROH dropped the ball with Cedric. The guys took the best of Southern Style wrestling, and British wrestling and got this gem. I loved the energy of Alexander's comeback. Though I thought his comeback after the triangle was a bit sudden. Though they covered it on commentary. Sabre jr's work was so focused on the arm. Both guys played the drama of it all so well. Thought the finish was a bit sudden though. Still great work from both guys.

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You should really check out Cedric Alexander vs Trevor Lee from the 5/18 edition of CWF Worldwide. Runs close to an hour, but never dull IMO. Easy MOTC for me.


I really liked the early stalling. I especially loved how they took the organic selfie that happened and totally took it and used it. So I loved the early part . It had a Memphis feel to it. They made a lot of the little stuff mean a lot. The stuff in ring was good, but felt they had too much time to fill. I feel if they cut 15 minutes it could have been

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6/19/16 Progress Chris Hero vs Marty Scurll 4 1/4*


This was a great match, and the crowd was super hot for it. Scurll is a hit or miss type of guy for me. Here he was on point. His arm work was really interesting, and nasty. At one point he has a modified Breaks special on and stomps at it. Another point he has the arm in this fucked position and he's delivery headbutts to it. Hero does a good job putting over the arm work. Hero's cut offs are brilliant here because he has so many strike variations. Loved Scurll using fish hooks and rubbing his forearm into Hero's face. My main complaint of the match was how Marty would stand and strike with Hero. Their is a size difference. They shouldn't be going toe to toe with each other. Because of the size difference Scurll should have been bumping big for Hero.The drama down the stretch was good, though Hero looked like a dummy going for a moonsault.

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2/21/16 AWE Jimmy Rave vs AR FOX 4 1/4*


I've been a guy who's been critical of Fox at times. Here Rave worked with him really well. I loved the opening arm work. It was crisp and seemed important. Rave allowed Fox to run wild and look great early on. Rave takes him down and controls him for a bit. The story is Rave trying to keep Fox down, while Fox wants to go go go. The crowd made this really dynamic and the heat was off the charts. The finish was great and the drama of Rave's submission and Fox fighting for the ropes was great. These guys really clicked here.


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I hope you get a chance to check out the Revival vs. American Alpha 2/3 falls tag match from NXT as well as the Trevor Lee vs. Andrew Everett match from CWF Worldwide, both air date from last night. I had both right around the 4 1/4* range and would be interested to see what you thought of them.

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6/18/16 CWF Mid Atlantic Trevor Lee vs Andrew Everett 4 3/4*


This promotion has been delivering high end matches. This is another one. This one goes 40+ and feels like it went 15. Lee's early work on top was really good just going after the arm while mixing up with some nasty leg kicks. Some other neat touches was Everett's hope spots. They were done really well and sprinkled throughout. It really gets going when Everett is bleeding. Lee starts working the cut like a good pro wrestler should. Everett is really good working underneath. I loved how the finish played into the early limb work. I'm also a mark when the wrestler continues to go after his submission finisher. Great stuff.

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7/8/16 CMLL Volador Jr. vs Kushida 4 1/4*


This was super fun. It had a big time atmosphere to it. I loved the finish to the first Caida. Kushida catches Volador Jr. with the flying arm bar. The 2nd fall was the table setting for the rest of the bout. !st Kushida goes heel and he's awesome at it. Plus we see Kushida go all Arn Anderson on the arm. Volador's comeback was awesome. His lung blower finish was about as cool as I've seen that move performed.. The 3rd fall was full of drama, dives that made sense. Great character work by Kushida. Tons of near falls that I bought into. Both guys looked great.

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6/18/16 CWF Mid Atlantic Trevor Lee vs Andrew Everett 4 3/4*


This promotion has been delivering high end matches. This is another one. This one goes 40+ and feels like it went 15. Lee's early work on top was really good just going after the arm while mixing up with some nasty leg kicks. Some other neat touches was Everett's hope spots. They were done really well and sprinkled throughout. It really gets going when Everett is bleeding. Lee starts working the cut like a good pro wrestler should. Everett is really good working underneath. I loved how the finish played into the early limb work. I'm also a mark when the wrestler continues to go after his submission finisher. Great stuff.

Had to check this out after reading your review, and man, it was so great. I really need to check out more of Trevor's work in CWF, his performance in this match reminded me of a classic 2006 Bryan Danielson championship defense performance and I loved it.

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7/13/16 NXT Finn Balor vs Nakamura 4 1/2*


This was one hell of a match and at the end could have been my best of the year, but Nak shitcanning the leg work when he'd be on offense hurt the bout. I loved Nak's smile then bam nails Finn with a knee. I was really impressed with Finn selling the neck throughout. The big move was Finn taking out Nak's leg and just going to town on it. Balor's work on the leg was really great. His work here was incredible and his best of the year. I can't put over how nasty the leg work was. Nak on defense did a great job with his vocal selling. Though when he transitioned to offense used a knee based attack that keeps the match out of being the best match of the year.

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I agree with u on both points. I thought Balor was so good he overcame Nak's shitty no sell when he transitioned to offense. Nak's selling underneath was good though .Plus Finn was on top for a good chunk so the no sells only happened a few times so it didn't kill the match for me, but if Nak had a few more minutes on top and no sold I would have been in the same range as you .

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The Trevor/Danielson comparison has really gone through this amazing metamorphosis as those who have followed him for awhile agreed it wasn't too far off while others like Tom Lawler and Bryan Alvarez actually at one time were making it as a negative referring to Trevor as a knock off who needed to find his own style and look until not he's starting to really change those minds. Trevor is an updated modern day super athlete version of Danielson as every part of his in ring game is stronger when it comes to pure athleticism Danielson probably had the edge for strong style stiff striking and technical grappling but Trevor is stronger, faster, and more agile. While both are/were masters of psychology.

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