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[2004-08-04-NWA TNA] Raven vs Sabu


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Raven vs Sabu (TNA 04/08/04)


An ECW dream match that never happened before. And it's a chance it happens in 2004 in TNA, as Raven is a much better in-ring worker at this point, plus the setting doesn't encourage the ridiculous excess of the original house of hardcore. Although I admit I would have marked the fuck out if it happened back then. Anyway, this is a very good brawl with all kind of gimmick spots that they deliver well, with nice counters and some bloodletting, Sabu paying tribute to his late uncle (the whole feud was about a so-called promise both Sabu & Raven made to the Sheik of never fighting each other, which was neat, you can see again that Raven was booking his own stuff) by using a spike at one point. He also badly fucks up his left knee on a table spot and still does the triple jump moonsault perfectly (yeah, Sabu the blownspot machine is a ridiculous urban myth by this point). Back and forth beating the shit out of each other until Raven gets the win, not after Sabu did kick out of the DDT, to Raven's great facial reaction. Hell, his face after he won was terrific too. I obviously love both guys but they did deliver a very good bloody brawl here, not going overboard with stupidity, making chair shots looking much more bruta than they actually were for instance (you can see Raven protecting himself and Sabu throwing chairs strictly vertical toward his body, so nothing real bad can happen). These veterans are still better than 95% of the roster and they bring tons of character to their work too. Really enjoyed this.

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