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[1989-09-30-WWF-MSG, NY] Greg Valentine vs Ron Garvin

Superstar Sleeze

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Greg Valentine vs Ronnie Garvin - WWF MSG 9/30/89


If you love the sound of flesh on flesh then this match is for you! It helps a lot that Tony is here to call the action with the Southern drawl of Hillbilly Jim to add to this Mid-Atlantic fight feel. Absolute war of attrition. We all know that these two are going to hit each other hard and I mean double hard. The selling was off the charts great here too. I loved Valentine TIMMMBBBBAAAAAHHHH bump only when he tried to get up he flopped back down to the ground. I loved Garvin bouncing off the ropes trying to keep himself off as the Hammer rocked him with heavy chops. Just really awesome stand up exchanges. Tony nailed it felt like you were watching a boxing match. Valentine using shortcuts to keep Garvin at bay was great subtle heel psychology as Garvin just kept moving forward. I thought Valentine's chinlock/sleeper dragged a bit. I don't like Garvin using the sleeper because he is short, BUT it is a logical setup for the Garvin stomp so I get that. Loved the poke of the eyes when Garvin went for the Sharpshooter. Valentine hits some fucking massive chops late in the match. Then that kneecrusher followed by the insanely awesome selling by Garvin was so much fun. They tease heel running into the manager on the apron finish. Garvin sells the leg the whole way down the stretch, takes this great bump to the floor, cant get a piledriver. Valentine takes the press slam off the top. Lots of sunset flips here with Valentine dropping down on a Garvin attempt and falling forward to pick up the cheap win. Garvin wails on him after the match and ties him up in the ropes and wants to put the figure-4 on him using the Hartbreaker, but Jimmy Hart frees his man.


I love a heavy hitting, humdinger of a slugfest. Dragged a bit in the middle, but the finish stretch was a barnburner. I think calling this a Top Ten WWF 80s match is selling the WWF short, more than how great this match is, but this is a fantastic mid-card match. ****1/4

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