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[1973-11-02-IWE Japan] Shozo Kobayashi vs Red Bastien


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The mighty Red Bastien! Y'know IWE is cool just because you get to watch all these guys with no footage go to work. The problem is that it feels a little exhibition-y with the foreign guys just doing their shtick (a problem that Mile vs. Hara didn't have). But when it's a wrestling master like Bastien you don't complain because you just want to see what he could actually do. And this match was fun. They start of with this really intense lock-up and then do a long 70s style match where Bastien does all these neat things, like headbutting Shozo in the ear or pulling the tights from a weird angle. Shozo is solid but won't exactly set your world on fire. This was a good match with lots of nifty things in it and Bastien heeling it up constantly and it never dragged. I have to say that IWE matches have an abundance of nut shots. Almost every match I've seen so far has had atleast 1 or 2.

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