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[2000-06-29-WWF-Smackdown] Edge vs The Undertaker


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This is the WM 24 main event 8 years early so this is fun to see. Again, Taker just mows down Edge and treats him like a jobber. This program is doing no one any favors at all and I am ready for E&C to be in their next tag feud where they look the least bit credible. 1/4*

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  • 7 months later...

As Edge makes his entrance, accompanied by Christian, we get a recap from earlier in the show of Tazz helping out E&C against Kane, clocking him in the back with a chair before the pair of them gave him ‘the conchairto’. This is a ninety second squash as the Undertaker singlehandedly runs through Edge (and Christian who interferes occasionally) with ease. In fact I think Edge only gets in one offensive move all match, and that’s a chair shot after Christian had slipped one into the ring and then distracted both the Undertaker and the referee. Taker gets the win after a chokeslam and is immediately jumped by Christian who clips his leg out from under him. He’s quickly back to his feet though and doesn’t get dropped again despite the two on one odds. Kane is down to help his brother out and it’s a synchronised ‘last ride’ and chokeslam for E&C.


This was worse than the tag match on Raw as the WWF tag team champions were treated like total chumps. They even looked like bigger jobbers here than when they were playing fall guys for ‘the Faction’ in that no disqualification handicap match prior to the King of the Ring. I imagine they don’t want to go the Dudleys, Hardy Boyz route again so soon, but Edge & Christian need to move away from these two fast.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I believe that clip had the first "Conchairto" - sort of amazing how over two months Edge and Christian went from relatively vanilla tag wrestlers to guys with such defined and entertaining characters.


If you'd told me in 2000 that 8 years later I'd be watching Edge v. The Undertaker at Wrestlemania... well, I guess that would have seemed semi-plausible. But that I'd be really enjoying, it and their many month subsequent feud? That I would not have believed.

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  • GSR changed the title to [2000-06-29-WWF-Smackdown] Edge vs The Undertaker

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