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2/27 Observer Notes


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Guest savagerulz

I can't stand Jeff Hardy, but he wouldn't be as over as he is if he didn't have the charisma.


You can't expect everyone to be as boisterous as The Rock or Ric Flair.

I disagree completely, he was as over as he was because....


1. He looked cute to the young girls, and the young alternative kids could relate to him. His look was designed to connect with the alternative MTV generation and it did.


2. He put his body on the line time and again, flipped about a lot, and took sick bumps.


Charisma plays no part in either, and I really don't think that there's anything about him that played a part in getting him over, bar the two things I mentioned.


The other point is the "he wouldn't be as over as he is". Just how over is he these days? Lets be honest, to the internet fans he's essentially a joke. To the fans that turn up to see live TNA shows, they boo him as often as they cheer him. Now, to the WWE fans if he was brought back in he'd get a bit nostalgia pop and some initial excitement but eventually, and probably as quickly as it happened in TNA, the would die, his popularity would decrease, and he'd head back down the roster again.


A Hardy Boys reunion would be good pop wise from a nostalgia point of view but beyond that it would die a quick death.


Is Jeff Hardy that over anymore? I don't think so. TNA fans apart from those handful of Jeff lookalikies in the front row, couldn't really care less whether he's there or not.

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