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[2000-07-17-WWF-Raw] Kane & The Undertaker vs HHH & Kurt Angle


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Not much of a match but Angle running from Taker continues to be pretty humorous and kind of par the course for how he has been presented up to this point. With him main eventing SummerSlam, I look forward to him having a bit more of an edge leading up to that event. The real juice of the match comes with the run in from Jericho and a great reaction with him pounding on HHH and hitting a huge dive to the outside. The fact that these two weren’t best buds backstage really adds to the hate that is being portrayed on the screen. Bring on Fully Loaded. *1/4

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  • 6 months later...

When Michael Cole asks Kurt his feelings on teaming with Triple H tonight, a man he obviously doesn’t like after he cost him a match against Kane on Smackdown, he says that he’s been all over the world, he’s seen many people and there are some that are just bad apples; HHH is a bad apple. Cole thinks that he had some justification for his actions though as he did catch Kurt hugging his wife. So Michael Cole equates a hug to being on a par with sleeping with someone! Angle tells him that all it was was a pre-match hug with his friend, he felt nothing and questions that you can’t hug friends anymore? Kurt then says how he and Cole aren’t even friends but he’ll give him a hug, after which he terminates the interview.


Investigative journalist Michael Cole is at it again when he bumps into Stephanie, asking what her relationship with Kurt Angle is. She tells him that ‘relationship’ implies sexuality, and a woman of her principles would never share her favours with Kurt Angle or anyone else besides her husband Hunter. She’s loyal, faithful, a committed wife and is insulted by his insinuations!


Triple H and Kurt have words in the dressing room, with ‘the Game’ admitting that he doesn’t like him, but if they stay out of each other’s way they can put their differences aside and get through this. Kurt tells him that’s a deal and wonders if he wants to shake on it, or just wants a hug!


After what’s gone on recently, Taker’s looking to get his hands on Angle, however Kurt circles the ring keeping his distance from him. He doesn’t realise Kane is on the inside though and when he rolls in, that’s who he’s met by. Running lariat in the corner, he then puts Kurt over his shoulder and is about to tag his brother, when Angle slides down his back and is straight over to his own corner tagging Triple H, even though ‘the Game’ wasn’t looking or asking for it. Big side slam on Hunter and Kurt is in to break up the pin. Taker runs into an elbow, HHH drops him with a clothesline and now Angle wants in! Haha, Kurt hits him once then tags back out! Triple H with a neckbreaker on Kane. Some double team action on the ‘Big Red Machine’ while at the same time Angle is making sure to keep an eye on where the Undertaker is. Kane blocks the double suplex and responds with one of his own to both men. Big powerslam on HHH followed by a top rope clothesline. Angle is again in to break up the pin attempt, however this time the Undertaker is waiting for him when he does. Taker tosses him to the floor and over the commentary table as action continues in the ring. Kurt’s had enough of this and takes off to the back with Taker in pursuit. Triple H has Kane set for the pedigree when he spots Chris Jericho at the top of the entrance way being held back by a bunch of referees. Kane counters the pedigree with a backdrop and gets the win after a chokeslam. Jericho fights his way through the officials and starts pummelling HHH as the two roll around on the mat. After it looks like they’ve regained control, a couple of the refs help ‘the Game’ to the back, but all three get wiped out by a crazy Y2J dive over the top rope to the floor.


The match wasn’t up to much, but it was funny watching Angle keep running away and trying to avoid getting into it with the Undertaker, unless he’s helpless that is! Excellent angle advancement in three separate storylines though with Kurt and Taker, Kurt and Triple H (this slow build is fantastic) and Triple H and Jericho. Y2J fighting his way through the officials to get his hands on ‘the Game’, their heated fight on the mat and then that suicide dive was a hell of a go home on the final Raw before Fully Loaded.

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  • GSR changed the title to [2000-07-17-WWF-Raw] Kane & The Undertaker vs HHH & Kurt Angle

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