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[2000-09-24-WWF-Unforgiven] Eddy Guerrero vs Rikishi


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A good storyline match with Eddy taking advantage of any opportunity he is given. Eddy is full heel at one point flipping off the crowd. Eddy looks to bail early but Chyna throws him back in the ring. She is conflicted though as when Eddy is about to be stinkfaced, he is saved by Chyna. Frog splash misses for Eddy among Eddy sucks chants. Rikishi blows through his final sequence and looks to have the match in hand when Chyna breaks up the pin. Rikishi contemplates things for a while but then superkicks and beats up Chyna really setting the seed for his heel tendencies coming up. **1/4

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  • 3 months later...

Eddy's character work is really nice here as he takes shortcuts and also bails at any opportunity only for Chyna to insist he finish the match. Chyna does a pretty good job here too as the reluctant but loyal partner trying to save Eddy but paying for it. Eddy grabbing the belt first instead of checking on Chyna was hilarious and this was not bad overall.



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  • GSR changed the title to [2000-09-24-WWF-Unforgiven] Eddy Guerrero vs Rikishi

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