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[2008-07-20-WWE-Great American Bash] HHH vs Edge

Superstar Sleeze

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WWE Champion Triple H vs Edge - GAB 2008


Chock this one up to the morbid curiosity. There are no two main eventers from the 2000s that I care about less, but this is one of the few matchups that really was not done often. I guess there was also the Rated RKO vs DX feud, but overall this is not one of the more frequent matchups of the 2000s. The year 2008 was Edge at the peak of his career as he had FIVE matches with Undertaker including main eventing both WrestleMania and Summerslam that year. This also featured the last calendar year that HHH spent a significant length of time as the world champion. HHH had been drafted to Smackdown, which was a definite shock and Edge lost the World Championship to RAW to CM Punk on a money in the bank cash in. This was a logical feud given Undertaker was on a vacation and Edge was the number one heel and HHH was the number one face on Smackdown. The feud is a result of a fact that Edge was marrying Vickie Guerrero and HHH introduced a video at their wedding showing Edge kissing ALICIA FOX!!! HOLY SHIT! Alicia Fox has been around for NINE years. What the fuck? Also crazy Zack Ryder has been around that long.


We are definitely doing this stream of consciousness style:


Mick Foley says this the first singles match for the World Championship with these. Edge lunges and is pissed at HHH. He swarms him and punches him. Hey good start! HHH sends Edge over the top and then knocks him off the apron. HHH whips him into barricade. HHH elbows Edge as it exposed on the apron and then on top rope. HHH as the babyface should get a shine. HHH is working the neck it seems. Kneedrop there. Good selling by Edge. Feels more like heel in peril than face shine. Edge takes the Bret Bump and HHH LEVELS Edge. Good forearm sledge from behind from HHH. Then sends him off the post. HHH is terrible at babyface shines. Edge is actually doing pretty well. Flapjack on the barricade gives Edge a breather. Edge kicks the midsection and then spear into HHH as he is up against the buckles. Edge always kind of looks dazed. Kicks midsection. HHH slugs him twice, but is selling the midsection. Good cutoff by Edge. This is actually pretty good so far. Irish Whip by Edge into the buckles. Don't get me wrong it is very basic. I work one body part, you work one body part. Some basic transitions. Selling is on point. Edge takes it outside and is very focused on the midsection of HHH. HHH is selling well. Body scissors by Edge first hold of the match. Edge is at his best when is throwing his opponent into hard stuff because his offense looks like shit. HHH punches out of the body scissors. Edge dropkick cuts HHH off. HHH is playing it smart constantly trying to roll away to create space. Edge is staying on top of him. Edge takes the first big bump of the match spearing through ropes, but missing. Not a total out of control bump as he clearly grabbed the ropes and was not going for the spear, but thought that counts. HHH does have good slugging rights I will say. Edge with such dainty kick, but at least HHH gets a clothesline. HHH is really motivated. HHH facebuster and Edge ends up outside. HHH sends him into the post, but he is still selling. Good kick by Edge to bad ribs of HHH as he is trying get back in the ring. Edge hits DDT on the outside and they are both down. That's actually pretty good leveling the playing field spot. Edge lifts HHH back into the ring. He gets a two count. First big nearfall and I think that was well-timed. Edge gets catapulted into post, kick wham, DDT for two. You can tell these two came up in the late 90s because they use kicks to midsection to setup their moves. Edge telegraphs back body drop and HHH almost gets Pedigree, but Edge gets out and grabs HHH neck and pulls down to the mat such that the back of his head hits. SPEAR attempt, but misses and HHH gets a schoolboy roll up for two. Edge big boot regains the advantage for Edge. Edge spear, but no HHH SPINEBUSTER does his big flex roar, BUT SELLS THE RIBS!!! Way to go, Trips! HHH goes for the Pedigree, but Edge drives him back into the buckles, which hurts HHH's ribs. Edge heabutts HHH on the top rope and superplex for Edge. I feel like HHH has a wrestled pretty damn good match. Strong, continuous selling and good offense. Edge just has no presence. Alicia Fox tries to give the belt to Edge, but Vickie CLOTHESLINES Alicia! CATFIGHT IN THE RING! Edge speared Vickie! Edge is in shock! HHH Pedigree wins.


Lets take the ending first because it is lame and makes no sense. Why is Edge in shock he speared Vickie? Was he trying to spear Alicia? Why would he spear her? Why is he spearing women in general? I get you want Edge to spear Vickie by accident because it further their rift, but you got to put HHH in the mix to make this plausible otherwise it is stupid.


Now the match, pleasantly surprised! HHH sold the ribs well and his offense was well-timed and looked impactful. Edge sold well in the beginning, he played to his strengths which is not to do much offense but just throw HHH into hard objects and kick him in the abs every once and while. There is just no heel charisma or really any charisma with Edge. The finish run was fine and was not too overwrought. There was silly stuff like Edge coming off the ropes getting caught in a catapult or Edge taking a DDT and doing the next move, but it was not egregious. I cant believe it, but these two get a thumbs up from me. ***

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  • GSR changed the title to [2008-07-20-WWE-Great American Bash] HHH vs Edge

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