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RAW is London 4/24


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Interesting show, some of the key points:


Triple H as a face has the potential to be not only a MUCH needed change, but the boost his stale character needs to revitalize RAW. Triple H in real life seems much closer to his DX-ish face personna than his Angry Heel one, and it's been long proven that guys tend to do way better when they're basically playing themselves on TV. His position with the company is stronger than titanium now with HHH Jr on the way, and it seems like he's finally allowing himself to relax a little. The fans have pretty much turned him face anyway in his feud with Cena, so they might as well go all the way with it.


Looks like the payoff for this "Vince challenges God" angle is going to be Shane turning on his father somehow since he's the one that keeps dying for Vince's sins. Someone must have sent an Angry Letter as well, as they really seemed to be pushing that "according to Mr. McMahon", God will be HBK's partner.


I like the pointless T&A segments as much as anyone (especially when Maria's involved) but isn't Victoria's character supposed to hate doing these things?


I like the attempt, but since most casual fans have only been around since 1997, having Umaga the 80s Samoan Stereotype bring back the Spike as a finisher isn't getting over. I read somewhere that WWE is pushing this gimmick as some sort of "fuck you" to Samoa Joe for choosing TNA over them. If that's true, I'm sure Joe's only all the more confident he signed the right contract.


The Women's title continues to be the belt with the most interesting angle, as now Mickie is Mickie again and now Trish is the crazy one? As long as Trish keeps wearing the brown wig, I'm happy.


The Kane angle cracks me up. How brilliant is it to make the date of his movie premiere the subject of the time honored "everyone says the word/phrase that the wrestler asks them not to say" routine? I'm honestly shocked that no one's done this before. I just wonder if the Big Show is going to wear a Pirate eyepatch now that Kane apparently tore his eyeball out.


If you don't like the Spirit Squad by now, you're either a terminally jaded smark or you're dead inside. They made the turn from stupid all the way to tremendous. They're so over the top with the dancing and whatnot, you can't help but chuckle.

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Guest Cam Chaos

I like the attempt, but since most casual fans have only been around since 1997, having Umaga the 80s Samoan Stereotype bring back the Spike as a finisher isn't getting over. I read somewhere that WWE is pushing this gimmick as some sort of "fuck you" to Samoa Joe for choosing TNA over them. If that's true, I'm sure Joe's only all the more confident he signed the right contract.


I'm sure Joe weeps every night over the fact they are paying someone else to embarass themselves on National TV. How stupid is it they try to spite someone who has never done anything to or with the company to hurt it?

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I've came to the conclusion that I don't really care about the actual contents of a match anymore. At least not as it pertains to WWE. I care about who wins but other than that, the only thing that matters to me is the characters and the storyline. I've really got into the Mickie/Trish storyline. Although the skit last night was pretty hokey, I've enjoyed the past advancement. I'll admit, when the feud first started, the only reason I cared was because they were both hot and were showing a lot of ass. Literally. Now, though, it's actually pretty enthralling.


I think that explains why I've never really liked Benoit. He's boring to me. He can certainly bring it in the ring but in WWE, I need more than that. When I just want to watch matches, I buy an ROH DVD or download some Puro.


I think it's also part of the reason why I've become so disenchanted with the TNA product. Yeah, they can put on good matches. Their PPVs are usually fabulous. I need substance though. I was a reason to watch every week.

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I haven't had a chance to watch much of the shows lately, but did catch the last half hour this morning when I woke up (Canada has a replay at 3:30 in the morning on a Wednesday, and I get up at 5). So, got to see some of Trish-Mickie and main event.


Trish-Mickie: Maybe it's because I haven't seen much of the shows lately, and have only really read some stuff online (aside from bits and pieces I have seen on TV), but after the WrestleMania match, I don't get this feud at all. I know Mickie started dressing like Trish (which makes sense given her character) but then Trish fired back by dressing like Mickie, then told Mickie that this whole "her dressing like Trish" thing is silly, but is now continuing it herself. And I ask myself, "Why?" Does Trish deeply care for Mickie and is trying to get her to see the error of her ways and see the light? Or is Trish just playing mind games? Right now, it's really hard to tell if Trish really hates Mickie or not (I think the other way around is more of a sure thing) and because of these confusing things, I think that's why the Trish-Mickie segments (from what I've seen and heard at least) are getting almost zero reaction from the live crowd. They don't know how to react and with wrestling needing to keep things simple quite often, it's understandable. Or maybe most fans just want this feud to end with one pinning the other (after a match where they're rolling on top of each other in suggestive ways), a lesbian kiss after the match, and then shower scene footage afterwards on PPV. Who knows?


Main Event: Since Sek brought up the Spirit Squad, I think the act's cute to an extent, but it could very well be a career killer for all five of those guys unless someone starts to stand out. I think they're all making a great effort trying to make chicken soup out of chicken shit, but I can't even remember what all five names are, and even if I did, I'm not sure I'd be able to name all of them. They're at least somewhat over as a group, but they have no shot at getting over individually unless something big happens.


The Big Three: I appreciate the direction the booking has taken with all the 2-on-1 match-ups and the pretty even Stephen build-up (because it makes it appear that Edge is at the same level as Cena and HHH) but the execution by the three of the feud, specifically last night, was dreadful. One thing the WWE does not do very well these days is the little things. Watching the handicap tag match, the tag corner of the main eventers was sadly uneventful. Whether it was Cena/HHH, Cena/Edge, or Edge/HHH, both guys hardly yacked away at each other or even got into a self-restraining mode of hitting the other guy. It just felt like a usual tag match, which is sad, considering these three are supposed to hate each other. No action, talking, whatever on main event corner, just lots of attention paid to the match, as if beating the Spirit Squad means something, let alone more than the Backlash title match. I don't expect the guys to beat the hell out of each other minutes into the match, but nothing of any sort of conflict happened. Just lots of blind tags and staredowns. No emotion whatsoever. Another reason the crowd was dead (except for HHH comeback). If the three don't act like they can't stand each other enough, why should the crowd?

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I think the crowd isn't giving the Trish/Mickie angle more of a pop because they've been trained to only cheer for T&A. They got a great reaction for their WM match until the unfortunate botch at the end.

Could very well be. For whatever the reason is, it's a shame, as I like both women, and after this feud, I don't know who else there is for Trish to work with.


Regarding the WM finish, I need to re-watch the match to be sure, but part of me was thinking the "botch" was on purpose (since Trish's legs were being worked on during the match by Mickie, thus they gave out on the Stratusfaction attempt).

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