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[2018-05-11-Limitless Wrestling] Ace Austin vs Kevin Ku vs A.J. Gray vs Jake Parnell vs Tony Deppen vs Bolt Brady


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  • GSR changed the title to [2018-05-11-Limitless Wrestling] Ace Austin vs Kevin Ku vs A.J. Gray vs Jake Parnell vs Tony Deppen vs Bolt Brady

Ace Austin is like a 21st Century Phantasio the way he magically makes a cane appear out of thin air before walloping everyone with it.  It’s actually a smart and innovative way of clearing the ring as with six men the opening could easily get messy with all those bodies in there.  ‘Scramble rules’ so wrestlers come and go, rolling in and out of the ring to be replaced by someone new in order to keep the action moving.  It may not seem much but by Austin attacking everyone before the bell it means that they take to the floor to ‘recover’ and when they’ve done so can then get involved in the match, again just a plausible simple thing to avoid this becoming a cluster.  The match itself only lasts about eight minutes and is a fun, non-stop sprint.  Some of the highlights include a Parnell Northern Lights suplex for a two, a release snap Dragon suplex by Ku, a lovely cartwheel into a round off by Austin, a Ku ‘low-pe’ (tope through the bottom rope), an Austin Fosbury flop to the floor, a great gutwrench powerbomb by Ku where he drops Austin on his own knees, a release Splash Mountain by Gray and a Parnell half and half suplex.  The finish comes as Austin counters the half and half and hits a standing blockbuster for the win.

 Standouts are Ku, Austin and to a lesser extent Parnell.  Ku especially with his hard hitting, aggressive style looks like someone to keep an eye on and who could go far.

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