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[2002-10-14-NJPW] Bas Rutten vs Osamu Nishimura


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This was loosely wrestled under European Catch Rules with Tony St. Clair serving as ref. A cool match in theory, considering the two dudes involved, and a really cool match in execution, despite some of the clunkiness early on. Bas is strike heavy in the opening round, Nishimura focuses on the arm in the second. Nishimura got to show off in the third round and fourth round, pulling out the sickle hold and bow-and-arrow holds, but Bas really lays into Nishimura with some stiff leg kicks in the fifth, both in and out of the ring. At one point, he gets a yellow card for blasting Nishimura as he's getting back into the ring. Bas continues targeting the leg with submissions, and Nishimura is a great sell as always. The test of strength sequence was kind of fun and then Nishimura gets a yellow card for excessive elbows in the corner. There's a great spot where Nishimura chases a wounded Bas into the corner to attack him. Weird spot in the match comes where Bas goes in for a double leg takedown and maybe knocks himself out? I don't know - he was unresponsive for a second there. Loved Bas hitting the Shining Wizard in the ninth round and being all proud about it, and then the final round of them trading/countering holds until the end was a nice way to cap it off. 

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  • GSR changed the title to [2002-10-14-NJPW] Bas Rutten vs Osamu Nishimura
  • 6 months later...

One of the more unique matches in wrestling history, it's a kickpadded uncooperative modern day shooter vs. A classy early 70s technician. Rutten was great at pro wrestling no doubt about it, his selling of Nishimuras holds was great (did a better job there than most trained pro wrestlers) and he was basically threatening to KO Nish every single round. Rutten not holding back at all is a big part of why the match worked. Nishimura ruled as usual believably locking Rutten into his old school carny holds or dishing out the european uppercuts. I think this may have been better without the rounds but it had typical european build closer to a german style match (Nishimura spent a lot of time in germany and austria) than british as it had that simmering animosity. Nishimura slowly getting destroyed but getting in Ruttens head was really cool. By the last round they completely ditched the striking and just stubbornly went for the tap out.

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