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[2004-12-05-TNA-Turning Point] America's Most Wanted vs XXX (Christopher Daniels & Elix Skipper) (Six Sides of Steel)

Superstar Sleeze

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America's Most Wanted vs XXX (Daniels & Skipper) - Turning Point 2004 Six Sides of Steel

There have been a lot of crazy spots in the history of pro wrestling, but I still think this one is the craziest. Skipper really could have died in the spot that made this match iconic and I think everyone knows the spot I am talking about: the tight rope walk across a top of the cage into a hurricanarana. I mean that was a narrow pipe we was walking across. I dont blame TNA one bit for constantly replaying that for the next five years. That was truly incredible and insanely dangerous. If he lost his balance, it was over man. They were chanting "Please Dont Die" and you know what it was earned. Probably the single most iconic spot from TNA. It is funny the match is so known for that spot that you forget there is a great match going on before and after the spot. I thought this was a great combination of spotfest and bloodbath. Daniels gets busted open early during the shine. AMW take him to task. Skipper ends up saving him and they work over Harris. Nice little mini-comeback for AMW where they go for the Death Sentence (badass name for the move)n but settle for the high crossbody. The match goes to the next level when they use AMW's handcuffs to cuff Harris to the turnbuckle. I have seen this match before and my recollection was that this kinda drags, but it was shorter than I remember. I really love Daniels jabbing the key into Storm's head. AMW are both bleeding at this point. Good heel miscommunication and then spear by Storm to get the key. Then it is a lot of great double team moves and cage spots. XXX hits both the crossbody/suplex spot and the Death Sentence. When that does not work, Daniels wants Skipper to go all the way up and this leads to the iconic spot. After that, Daniels hits a top of the cage elbow drop which would be insane if it was not for what just happened. Nice barrage of highspots and nearfalls ensue. They cuff Daniels in retribution and then XXX's finish to pin Skipper, win the match and XXX can never team again. One of the best non-AJ Styles TNA Matches of all times and a great confluence of blood & guts with highspots and of course it will never be forgotten due to that insane Skipper spot. ****1/4

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  • GSR changed the title to [2004-12-05-TNA-Turning Point] America's Most Wanted vs XXX (Christopher Daniels & Elix Skipper) (Six Sides of Steel)
  • 1 year later...

This was a Six Sides of Steel blow off to their feud and the losing team had to permanently disband. Both teams wrestled like well-oiled machines until Triple X handcuffed Chris Harris in the corner in order to isolate and take out James Storm. However, they grew complacent at various points, specifically when Christopher Daniels taunted Harris with the key (hence facilitating his escape) and they mockingly utilized AMW’s finisher. Perhaps it was poetic justice when it was Daniels who ended up being handcuffed in the corner and had to helplessly watch the dissolution of his team when AMW pinned Elix Skipper with Triple X’s own power-plex. The selling was a little suspect at times, but they melded strategic tag wrestling with the cage violence and huge bumps really well. ****1/4

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