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[2001-06-11-WWF-Raw] Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle (Steel Cage)


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Steve Austin is on commentary and he's the best worker here. That's saying a lot when you've also got two of the greatest pure wrestlers throwing themselves off cages. Austin has settled into his heel character perfectly. He's picking arguments with his former friend Jim Ross, while Paul Heyman brown noses him. Benoit and Angle effortlessly blend their pure wrestling with steel cage brawling. They can suplex you, but they are also not afraid to launch you head first into the steel mesh. Angle famously misses a moonsault from the top of the cage, and it's still as insane of a bump as it was in 2001. Austin eventually gets involved and costs Benoit the match.

This served as definitive feud ender for Benoit's rivalry with Angle, all while carrying on his one with Austin. 


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This was another solid match between these two, but the highlight of the bout was Austin on commentary (and that's saying something considering Angle misses a moonsault from the top and Benoit hits a diving headbutt.) I thought Austin and JR were going to crack up at first when they started throwing barbs at each other. Austin picking on JR is mean, but funny. JR gets in a few licks and Austin's retorts are brilliant. Austin gets involved in the finish, as expected, but I loved the execution and the overall booking. When the WWF is on point, there's not much that can touch it in these years. 

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