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[2007-06-03-WWE-One Night Stand: Extreme Rules] Bobby Lashley vs Vince McMahon (Street Fight)


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This is technically a one-on-one match, but Vince has back-up. Shane McMahon and Umaga fight alongside the chairman,  effectively turning this into a handicap match. As soon as the bell rings, Lashley hits a plancha on Umaga to stop him from interfering. Well, he tried too. His leg was the only part of his that connected. You tried, Bobby. This is a by-the-numbers handicap match with Lashley repeatedly trying to mount a comeback before getting cut off. The crowd do get behind him, to his credit. Shane hits his usual big spots and Vince doesn't get involved in anything too crazy, but he's great at being a provocative heel. Lashley eventually cleans house for good and wins back his title by hitting Vince with a spear. This wasn't awful, but it's clear that the Lashley experiment had failed by this point. 


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