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[2020-07-01-WWE-NXT The Great American Bash: Night One] Io Shirai vs Sasha Banks


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This is a pretty legit dream match on paper, and it ended up being the best match of the night (including AEW as well) by a pretty fair margin. It ended up being & feeling like kind of a sprint, and that suits both of the women involved, so of course it ruled. Great swagger shown throughout with a solid feeling of danger & urgency in their work -- loved it all the way through, but a special shout-out is in order for that plexiglass spot, which was just SO awesome. ***3/4

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Generally agree with the thoughts above.  At the end of the day this managed to exceed expectations that were tempered by the fact it was a TV match with all of one week's build with a finish setting up subsequent TV.  Give these two a PPV platform and time and you've got potential for a legit MOTYC.  What stood out to be here was just how terrific a bumper Banks is.  She almost perfectly straddles the line of exaggerating her bumps and sells to maximize the damage taken without becoming at all comical.  Just incredible timing and knowing when to extend and cut off those pauses and facials while working on defense.  Meanwhile every time Shirai is given more than a few minutes on TV she shows why she's one of the best workers in the world.  Hoping we see that rematch one day.


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