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[2001-10-12-CMLL] Black Warrior vs Black Tiger

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This was the semi-final of the Leyenda de Plata tournament. I guess I should have watched the cibernetico first as I was confused by the booking. Black Warrior, who's supposed to be a rudo, had Atlantis in his corner while Black Tiger, who is still a tecnico, had Pierroth as his second. I'm not sure if he wanted Pierroth as his second, though. There was some sort of drama that ended with Pierroth being barred from ringside. Maybe it something to do with the Mexico vs. Japon element. The action was good, though fairly standard for both men. Black Warrior uncorked a pearler of a tope. That man is on the shortlist for best tope ever. It looks like he's getting a tecnico push, which is well deserved. He's been the third guy on his trios team for the longest time despite being a rock solid worker. 

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