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[2001-03-31-MCW-TV] Steve Bradley vs Joey Abs


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A couple of dudes in the front row are rocking out to Last Resort!  Victoria is wearing a bandana to match her charge, something I can’t remember her having previously.  Abs doesn’t even wait for the introductions going straight for the champion.  Rodrageous has stuck around on commentary, reminiscing about the old days when he and Abs were in the Mean Street Posse together.  Nice vertical suplex.  Bradley holds onto the ropes to avoid the boot, he ducks to the outside but Abs is hot on his tail.  Despite getting his head slammed into the ring apron he’s able to get the jump on the challenger when they return to the ring, punting him.  It’s not long before he throws him back outside, this time preferring to grab himself a word with the referee so that Victoria can get a few cheap shots in.  Abs blocks being suplexed from the apron inside, instead hiptossing Bradley over the top rope to the concrete.  Back inside he’s caught by a swinging neckbreaker.  The champion works him over, although it’s all fairly uninspiring chinlocks.  Victoria continues to work real hard from ringside and be a permanent thorn in any challenger’s side.  Bradley spends too long talking to her as he climbs the turnbuckles and is met by Abs who superplexes him to the mat.  Abs is to his feet first and has got a second wind.  Big boot to the mush.  He misses the double axe handle in the corner as he comes charging in and Bradley gives referee Charlie Miller a shove into Abs back.  Hmmm, Abs, without looking, then lifts Miller up and gives him the Absolute.  We’re supposed to believe that he was unaware of who he was giving the move to, this despite Miller being a good 50lbs lighter than Bradley.  He telegraphs the backdrop and an Absolute for him, then one for Victoria after she involved herself one time too many.  Bradley has the Southern belt in his hands though and clocks the unaware challenger with it.  Miller comes around to count the three, Bradley escaping with the title yet again by the skin of his teeth.

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