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[2018-05-31-Impact Wrestling] Allie vs Su Yung

Superstar Sleeze

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Impact Knockouts Champion Allie vs Su Yung - Impact 5/31/18 Casket

I want to give this match a shoutout even though I won't be doing a formal review. I was really tired when I watched this match but I was really intrigued by it. I had heard of the Su Yung character and seen bits & pieces here & there, while also seeing her in action at a Shimmer event during Mania Weekend with PWO's own Jimmy Redman! I love, love the gimmick! The big difference between her  & The Fiend/Bray Wyatt. Bray/Fiend is so pretentious and it is trying so hard to be psychologically deep and intellectual that fails under its own grotesque weight. Su Yung is awesome in her simplicity. She is an Undead Zombie Bride and just kicks ass. The presentation is spot on and the aura is magnificent. 

This is a Casket Match because Su Yung killed Allie's best friend Rosemary. So Allie has snapped and become a Demon Bunny. I thought they kicked ass. There were some stilted moments here & there but for the most part Allie was a great avenging babyface and Su Yung played the Horror Movie Villain that kept rising from the Black Lagoon again & again perfectly. I dont think I have said it publicly but I sure thought it on multiple occasions last year is that AEW should have tried to buy Impact for their women's division. WWE does not have the market completely cornered. Impact has a killer women's division (Allie, Taya, Su Yung, Rosemary, Tessa, Jordynne Grace, Madison Rayne, Gail Kim, and Scarlett among others) and they rock both at wrestling and in their gimmicks. AEW's women's division remains paper thin and I would like to Impact for talent. A couple things I wanna say about Allie and her booking in AEW. After Kylie Rae left, Allie was the no brainer person to push. I really didn't like Riho. I thought she was not an effective undersized underdog at all. Britt Baker did nothing for me in the ring. She has blossomed into a great heel character, but her work wasn't there yet. Allie had long term success on top at Impact as a likeable babyface and in this match she showed me she could work and work with intensity not just workrate bullshit. I am pretty surprised given how thin the division remains that Allie has yet to get a push. On top of that, I want to complain about AEW's booking of her. AEW has 800,000 fans, I assume Impact has about half that. So you would think they would do a better job explaining the Bunny/Blade connection. I was tooling around the Impact Plus and watching random clips and found out Blade was in Impact. Lo & behold, he was paired with Allie and they were doing a jealous/toxic lover story. I hit up Wikipedia, Oh they're married! I am not saying they have to be married in AEW universe because that limits your booking options, but they should have explained the connection in their own kayfabe way. You have these two mercenaries and all of sudden a random blonde bombshell is in some sort of S&M Bunny gimmick is paired with them, as a fan, they should really flesh this out. Like why is she with them? I know the really hardcore fans probably got because they watch both shows, but I didnt. Since nothing was explained, I didnt care and not surprisingly it fizzled out.  Take home is this was a really fun casket match but more importantly these were two awesome characters having an entertaining match that suited their gimmicks and storyline. ***1/2

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