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[1996-08-10 WCW Hog Wild] Ric Flair vs Eddie Guerrero

Superstar Sleeze

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WCW US Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair vs Eddie Guerrero - WCW Hog Wild 1996

Two big names like this on paper, but never any talk about it, is not a very good sign. I would say this match is definitely good albeit disappointing. I have seen their Nitro match at least twice but I cant really remember much about it. Flair is coming off the piping hot Booty Man angle where the Horsemen get revenge for the backlot attack on Double A by taking out Hogan's bestie, Brutus Beefcake. One of the all-time best angles ever! I saw it for the first time last night and it was so fucking compelling. I forgot how amazing pro wrestling could be. That was terrific. Not too much build to this one. Eddie had two very good matches with Psychosis in the run-up and a stinker against Big Bubba (but that was kinda on purpose it was after NWO backlot attack and they were selling that they were distraught and distracted). Flair wrestled a very fresh Chavito on Saturday Night and wouldnt release the Figure-4. Flair gave a great sit-down interview saying he thought the NWO could co-exist with the Horsemen but after what they did to Arn, he is coming for Hogan. Flair is definitely about to go babyface, but in this match this is 100% heel Flair. 

This is a Flair broomstick match through and through. I am an unabashed Flair mark. Ill enjoy this pretty much no matter what but how good they are really depends on the opponent. Eddie is great normally but '96 Eddie doesnt have the charisma that Eddie would develop in 97 through the rest of his career. He has some good spots he can fill in like dropkicking Flair on the Flair Flip, a Sprinboard Hurricanarana and eyepoking Flair back after Flair had eye poked him earlier. The Sunset Flip moon spot was wicked over. The Eddie does the Figure-4 spot would have been over in Asheville but Sturgis didnt get it and of course the Press Slam. The beginning was fun with all the slaps and Flair bumping around and shining Eddie up. The other thing that determines how great a Flair match will be is how hard he tries on the heat segment. In the 80s, he almost always rules. In the 90s, it is hit or miss. I recently watched him vs Lizmark on Worldwide. I was like Ooooo what cool shit will he allow Lizmark to try. Flair fucking squashes him. You know how the internet wants Flair to wrestle that's what he did against Lizmark. He just wrestlefucked him and won. I was pissed. So 90s Flair can be offense-heavy and guzzle opponents, but here he just had no desire to do anything but cheat and chop. The eyepoke led to a decent heat segment. They lost major points when Flair kicked a field goal on Eddie's balls and less than a minute later Eddie was on offense. We all know that's Flair's fault. The finish was fine. Eddie hit the Frogsplash but jammed his knee. Flair was thinking Figure-4 with trademark Back Suplex as the prelude, Eddie skinned the cat out, but still favoring the knee, Flair blasted him with a clothesline. You dont see too many Flair clotheslines. Figure-4 and Eddie is pinned in the hold while Woman holds onto Flair for extra leverage. Like I said there's enough good that this is firmly good, but Flair just wanted to bump and sell. Eddie didnt have the fire or charisma at this point to take this above good. Benoit/Malenko wins Match of the Night unless something crazy happens in the last two matches. ***1/4 

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