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[2004-01-04-HUSTLE 1] Toshiaki Kawada vs Mark Coleman

Superstar Sleeze

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Toshiaki Kawada vs Mark Coleman - HUSTLE 1 1/4/04

HUSTLE 1 debuted directly opposite New Japan’s annual January 4th Tokyo Dome show. Pretty ballsy by Takada. Looks like Hashimoto, Ogawa and Kawada were the native talent and this basically became Ogawa’s home promotion until IGF. Kawada is the Triple Crown champion but it is not on the line.

Alright match, I always get Coleman confused with Mark Kerr. He was pretty good. Trade good strikes early. Kawada doesn’t really connect with his front kicks and Coleman takes him down at Will. Kawada gets a Triangle then Cross Armbreaker out of defense. Reset. Coleman throws fucking bombs. Great Kawada sell. He comes back with kicks. Coleman throws him around at Will with beautiful overhead belly to belly into head and arm triangle, reset in rope break. Kawada gets a rolling heel hook out a waist lock and the ref calls.

Coleman doesn't have the coolest look like a Don Frye but he was jacked to the gills and clearly athletic as fuck. He looked like he has potential but this was just alright. 

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