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SAMS Ragtag 1970s Yearbooks


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For the 70s, there's a fair amount of Kellett in 1974, all of which I have yet to get to. In particular I'm looking forward to that Bobby Barnes match and another one against Steve Haggerty. He certainly jumps off the screen like no other. Who are the main 60s WoS workers who'd benefit the most from that footage becoming available? He's got to be right up there right?

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Names that come to mind are George Kidd, Billy Robinson, Billy Howes, Billy Joyce, Ernie RIley, Albert Wall, Joe Cornelius, Roy Bull Davis and George Gordienko. Those are guys we have almost no footage of. 

I know a collector who has quite a bit of 70s footage from the ITV vaults that didn't air on TWC. I don't know how good the matches are  but the footage definitely exists. 

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