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Chihiro Hashimoto


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Debuted in 2015, by 2017 had succeeded Meiko Satomura as the top star of Sendai Girls and still holds that position as of 2025. She has an amateur background and incorporates those skills into her pro-wrestling about as well as anyone in her era. She tremendous raw power/strength that makes her suplexes look especially damaging. In 2023-24 she's been out of the main title picture for a while, her tag team with Yuu (Team 200kg) is one of the best tag teams in the scene, and Chihiro is definitely the better of the two.

vs. Meiko Satomura - Sendai Girls 9/24/17

vs. Sareee - Sendai Girls 6/8/19

vs. Mei Hoshizuki - Marvelous 8/20/21

vs. MIRAI - Stardom 2/4/23

w/ Yuu vs. Mio Momono & Yurika Oka - Sendai Girls 2/11/24

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Kinda shocking that it's taken this long for her to get nominated, you could go all the way back to her earlier years and still find great showings aplenty.

Kada makes the case for her well enough, my only real complaint is that sometimes she can be a bit too derivative with the boring ahh grappling sequences, especially when she's not someone who has any conclusive submission finishes so it almost always feels like padding. Other than that? Pretty damn great, shockingly effective at getting less than impressive acts over to boot which is always a soft spot for me.




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