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Bracket #2 Results


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I went ahead and closed this off since at this point, there were no ties, and some were getting to a point where there might have been had even one more person voted.


Ultimate Warrior (11 votes) defeated Bam Bam Bigelow (4 votes)

-- Warrior will face loser of Steve Austin v Mr Perfect match


Chris Jericho (13 votes) defeated Taka Michinoku (0 votes)

-- Jericho will face loser of Kurt Angle v Rob Van Dam match


Demolition Smash (8 votes) defeated Randy Orton (7 votes)

-- Smash will face loser of Razor Ramon v Ric Flair match


Bob Backlund (9 votes) defeated Jeff Jarrett (6 votes)

-- Backlund will face loser of Owen Hart v Randy Savage match


Marty Jannetty (10 votes) defeated IRS/Mike Rotunda (5 votes)

-- Jannetty will face loser of Diesel v Edge match


Rey Misterio Jr (9 votes) defeated Rick Rude (6 votes)

-- Misterio will face loser of Chris Benoit v Christian match


Sid (11 votes) defeated Tully Blanchard (5 votes)

-- Sid will face loser of Hulk Hogan v Undertaker match


Sgt Slaughter (15 votes) defeated Val Venis (1 vote)

-- Slaughter will face loser of Bad News Brown v Yokozuna match


Big Show (8 votes) defeated Arn Anderson (7 votes)

-- Show will face loser of 1-2-3 Kid v Shawn Michaels match


Booker T (10 votes) defeated Chavo Guerrero Jr (5 votes)

-- Booker will face loser of The Rock v Ted DiBiase match


Tito Santana (14 votes) defeated Terry Funk (1 vote)

-- Santana will face loser of HHH v Paul Orndorff match


Greg Valentine (12 votes) defeated Demolition Ax (3 votes)

-- Valentine will face loser of Honky Tonk Man v Eddy Guerrero match


Jake Roberts (12 votes) defeated Goldust (3 votes)

-- Roberts will face loser of Mick Foley v John Bradshaw Layfield match


Kane (13 votes) defeated Jeff Hardy (1 vote)

-- Kane will face loser of Rick Martel v Taijiri match


Ricky Steamboat (7 votes) defeated Matt Hardy (6 votes)

-- Steamboat will face loser of Davey Boy Smith v Roddy Piper match


Dynamite Kid (8 votes) defeated Andre the Giant (6 votes)

-- Dynamite will face loser of Bret Hart v Brock Lesnar match

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Mr. Perfect (12 votes) defeated Ultimate Warrior (2 votes)

Chris Jericho (13 votes) defeated Rob Van Dam (0 votes)

Razor Ramon (12 votes) defeated Demolition Smash (0 votes)

Owen Hart (12 votes) defeated Bob Backlund (1 vote)

Marty Jannetty (10 votes) defeated Diesel (4 votes)

Rey Misterio Jr (7 votes) defeated Christian (6 votes)

Undertaker (14 votes) defeated Sid (0 votes)

Bad News Brown (8 votes) defeated Sgt Slaughter (5 votes)

Big Show (10 votes) defeated 1-2-3 Kid/X-Pac (5 votes)

Ted DiBiase (15 votes) defeated Booker T (0 votes)

Tito Santana (11 votes) defeated Paul Orndorff (4 votes)

Honky Tonk Man (13 votes) defeated Greg Valentine (2 votes)

Jake Roberts (14 votes) defeated John Bradshaw Layfield (1 vote)

Kane (14 votes) defeated Taijiri (1 vote)

Davey Boy Smith (15 votes) defeated Ricky Steamboat (0 votes)

Brock Lesnar (13 votes) defeated Dynamite Kid (2 votes)


I had this wrong before. These guys will face each other in one more round, and the winners of these matches will face the losers in Bracket #1, Round #3.

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Round 3 results:


Chris Jericho (13 votes) defeated Mr. Perfect (3 votes)

Owen Hart (14 votes) defeated Razor Ramon (2 votes)

Rey Misterio Jr (15 votes) defeated Marty Jannetty (1 vote)

Undertaker (16 votes) defeated Bad News Brown (0 votes)

Ted DiBiase (14 votes) defeated Big Show (1 vote)

Honky Tonk Man (9 votes) defeated Tito Santana (7 votes)

Jake Roberts (15 votes) defeated Kane (1 vote)

Davey Boy Smith (10 votes) defeated Brock Lesnar (6 votes)

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Round 4


Chris Jericho (9 votes) defeated Kurt Angle (6 votes)

Owen Hart (9 votes) defeated Ric Flair (7 votes)

Rey Misterio Jr (13 votes) defeated Edge (3 votes)

Undertaker (16 votes) defeated Yokozuna (0 votes)

Shawn Michaels (10 votes) defeated Ted DiBiase (6 votes)

HHH (8 votes) defeated Honky Tonk Man (7 votes)

Jake Roberts (17 votes) defeated Rick Martel (0 votes)

Davey Boy Smith (9 votes) defeated Roddy Piper (5 votes)

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Chris Jericho (9 votes) defeated Owen Hart (8 votes)

Undertaker (10 votes) defeated Rey Misterio Jr (7 votes)

Shawn Michaels (16 votes) defeated HHH (1 vote)

Davey Boy Smith (14 votes) defeated Jake Roberts (3 votes)

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