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Brian Pillman and Johnny B. Badd at

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I thought we had a "Is this true or not?" discussion on this board but maybe I was imagining things?



Anyway, this situation here has always intrigued me. Can anyone comment on it?


Text taken from the match reviews folder



Loss --

Knowing that Pillman was put against Badd for 30 minutes as a total rib by the bookers makes this all the more satisfying. He got Badd's career match out of him - by a longshot - and possibly his own as well (although I'm not sure about that). 


I've heard this several times.



I've always wondered if it was true or just speculation. Has this been confirmed?




So if this is indeed true and we step into the alleged mindset of the bookers that means that the bookers would risk turning everyone off of the PPV right off of the bat by giving Badd and Pillman enough time to have a bad match. That means their dislike of Pillman and Badd was greter than putting on a good product for the fans on a PPV nontheless. What on earth did these two do to have this albatross put upon their necks?



But you see if someone told me back in 95 that Badd and Pillman would get about 30min on a PPV that would actually raise my elbow in thinking they can have a good match. Not a bad or horrible match so I don't quite get this logic of putting these guys out there to suffocate. I also never sensed WCW having anything against Johnny B. Badd during his WCW run either. Sure, he wasn't a top guy but I never thought that anyone was out to get him.

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Guest cawthon777

I believe Badd was good friends with Eric Bischoff during that time so the rib theory doesn't hold much water with me.


Plus, both men got pushes coming out of that PPV. Badd began his domination of the TV title scene and Pillman joined the Horsemen.

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My understanding is that it was more of a rib on Pillman than Badd. Lots of people in the company loved Mero, but it was known that he was a limited performer, and Pillman was almost always in the doghouse with the front office for being so outspoken. It was a case of the bookers trying to embarrass Pillman by making him carry someone limited in such a long match, but Brian made it work. It's possible that it was intended that way, but that the match impressed the right people and led to both guys getting bigger pushes.

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Okay, I just checked with someone who had Observer access around that time, and yes, it was a total rib on both of them. The idea was that they'd give them 30 minutes and people would realize that neither guy was as good as people thought they were.

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