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WWE writers are good for laughs


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Three stories have surface lately that have been both hilarious and pathetic.


Story #1 ...

One of the Diva Search contestants wanted to do a promo mentioning Katie Vick, but none of the writers knew who Katie Vick was.


Story #2 ...

One of the Diva Search contestants asked one of the writers if they had any ideas for something they could do to get heat. The response? "What does 'get heat' mean?"


Story #3 ...

A new writer was just hired that asked JBL how he got that fake blood to continue pouring out of his forehead.


These are the people constructing the storylines for the highest rated show on cable and the biggest wrestling company in the world. Glorious.

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Guest teke184

I think these are the people that Jim Brunzell wrote the "How to speak kayfabe" book for...



If they don't already have it, they REALLY ned it.

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Guest CanadianChick

JBL must have LOVED that one. It's sorta like asking a football player how they get that cool crunching sound effect when they get tackled...

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Guest Dorian

Oh JBL would just probably say "like God, since he and I are such great wealthy buddies, I just squish my hand against my face and there the blood is!"


Or something, I don't know. I'm not a good JBL impressionist.

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Guest teke184

Oh JBL would just probably say "like God, since he and I are such great wealthy buddies, I just squish my hand against my face and there the blood is!"


Or something, I don't know. I'm not a good JBL impressionist.

I think JBL would do a Charlie Baltimore impression... (from Long Kiss Goodnight)


"Were you born this stupid or did you have to take lessons?"

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Guest SweetMama Scaat

This shit makes me mad


When one of the fucking Diva Search contestants, a losing one at that, know mores than the writers then theres a problem. I know that HHH and the Mcmahons are stubborn egomaniacs but one would think with their appreciation for what they do, or at least their own livelihood theyd put an end to such tripe.


heres the diva interview, WARNING: Conatains breif nudity....


oh those writers

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Story #4 ...

A wrestler was backstage talking about ideas to get heat in his promo and was told his promo was for RAW, not Heat.


Story #5 ...

The new writers have repeatedly been calling Edge "Christian".


I see after the first incident, they *still* haven't been clued in as to what "get heat" means.

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These stories only put more emphasis on the question: why does WWE frown on hiring people who know about wrestling?


That has to be the most ass-backwards system I've ever seen. I mean can you imagine that in the real world?


"Well Bob, you have 15 years of experience in what we do, but I'm afraid my boss doesn't want to hire anyone who knows about our profession"

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Because they don't want people coming in that know a different way to do things than the WWE way. They'd rather deal with people who know nothing that they can create from the ground up than deal with people that do have working knowledge of the business. That seems to be their preference for hiring people, both in and out of the ring. Plus, if they're a success, Vince can take sole credit for "making" them what they are.

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Guest teke184

Story #4 ...

A wrestler was backstage talking about ideas to get heat in his promo and was told his promo was for RAW, not Heat.


OK, THAT one made me laugh my ass off...
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Guest CanadianChick

Story #5 ...

The new writers have repeatedly been calling Edge "Christian".




Erm, why? Unless this new writer was watching WWF in 2000 and heard JR call Edge "Christian", I don't possibly see how the two can get mixed up.

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