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Who's #5?


Who's the 5th biggest US star of the past 25 years?  

  1. 1.

    • Bret Hart
    • Dusty Rhodes
    • Randy Savage
    • Ric Flair
    • Roddy Piper
    • Shawn Michaels
    • Sting
    • Undertaker
    • Someone else you didn't even mention

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We all know the four biggest draws in US wrestling of the past quarter century have been Hogan, Austin, Rock and Andre. So, who comes in after that? You have a lot of guys that are really close. There are a lot of guys here who have a strong case, and there are some I only included to see if anyone voted for them, but I think this is worth talking about. I'll tell you my opinion later.

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Dusty would probably have a case if the time frame were a little difference, as he was a huge star most anywhere in the mid-late 70s. That carried over into the 80s, but he was past his peak by about 1984 or so.


I'd agree that Ric Flair is #5. He's the only guy who's been a constant top-level superstar from the time cable TV took off to today. He's not known as well as some of the others outside of wrestling, but anyone who at any point in the past 25 years has watched any wrestling is very familiar with him. He also has more longevity as a superstar than anyone else on the list.


Coffey has a point about the Undertaker, but I honestly think Piper and Taker are on the same level as stars. Both played second fiddle to the bigger draws for most of their careers, so it's hard to say.

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