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[1996-10-25-RINGS-Mega Battle Tournament] Kiyoshi Tamura vs Mikhail Ilioukhine


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  • 4 months later...

I think this is one for the "can a wrestler really be carried" file in the thread on the main board. Not that Mikhail sucks or anything, but this match is made by Tamura applying whacked-out submissions to what is essentially a log. It's enough for this to be a good match even if Mikhail comes across as being along for the ride. Sometimes carrying is about focusing on what a limited guy can do well and working to his strengths, and sometimes it's about said limited guy trusting his opponent to do that with him and not trying to dominate the match.

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  • 2 years later...

Kiyoshi Tamura vs Mikhail Iloukhine - RINGS 10/25/96


You can never relax in RINGS. Much of this match, it looks like the stocky Russian has the advantage and just when he is relaxing, Tamura would pop a submission and have him scrambling for the ropes. Misha was taking him down with ease early on and catching the kicks and transitioning to takedowns. The story of this match is Tamura is a slippery fuck. Iloukhine would apply submission after submission only forced his first and only escape via rope break at 13:45 mark. That means Tamura was standing up out of them or converting them into offense. Tamura is so dangerous because of his counterwrestling: heel hooks and anklecrosses when the Russian looked in control. Tamura scores a knockdown and Iloukhine cant even take him down anymore as Tamura is just quashing every attempt. Tamura chokes him the fuck out. This is twice now that Iloukhine has failed to impress. Solid match and a good one to get to know Tamura more. ***

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  • GSR changed the title to [1996-10-25-RINGS-Mega Battle Tournament] Kiyoshi Tamura vs Mikhail Ilioukhine
  • 9 months later...

Nice Tamura showcase, where you've got Iloukhine trying to grab him but Tamura's not letting that happen, instead putting Mikhail in a variety of predicaments. I mean, Mikhail will sometimes grab a leglock or a knee crusher, but Tamura finds ways out - loved his dope joint lock counter. He's just so quick and fluid, at one point, floating all around Mikhail with headlocks, armbars, headscissors, etc. So slick. He doesn't land a whole lot of strikes but he gets a couple of good face slaps and finally taps him with the rear choke. 

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