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Yeah, this was the stuff.


We've seen a few really good performances out of him up until now, but it's really obvious after this: Spoiler is such a triple threat.

1.) He's got the size, and he uses it so well. He's able to create a huge base on a side headlock for instance, or make it to the ropes from almost anywhere in the ring. And he's able to use it to menace to a great degree, not just for the claw and for some big power moves, or bits of leverage, a bridging pin that's angled far more sharply than someone else could do, and

2.) He's got the agility. He's doing stuff with the ropes that would be years ahead of his time to begin with, and he's doing it with such size and (thus) implied force behind it. He's able to use it on offense and to make himself vulnerable at key moments.

3.) And on top of that he's such a great, underhanded cheater. He uses the ropes for leverage, he uses Gary Hart for everything he can. He pulls the hair. He pulls the tights, and with his his reach, he can do a lot more than the average person with that.


You put all that together and you overlay it with a brilliant sense of timing and of maximizing the impact of all of these things. He never just comes off the ropes. He builds anticipation to it and then he pays it off. He's so good.


And Brisco's great too, of course. I like a more heelish Brisco best, but he's fiery and technical and smart here. The crowd is behind him and he earns it and deserves it, despite the fact he could just rest on his reputation. They work very well together, each one helping to unlock the highest level of what the other can do.


The match starts with one of the best worked side-headlocks you'll ever see and ends with some awesome revenge leg work into the enjoyable, feel-good screwy finish. In the middle is a lot of stuff I'd rather not spoil.


I enjoyed it a lot.

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Jack Brisco vs The Spoiler


This was a great match. Both guys skills were on display here. The early part is they work a standing headlock. This was well worked with both guys working and reacting to it. This was so well done. The Spoiler did so many neat touches like putting his foot on the rope for leverage. Eventually Jack counters it and begins working the Spoiler's back. He's stomping away at the back. Turns him into the Boston Crab. Jack moves up into the headlock. Spoiler escapes and takes it to the ropes and uses them to inflict pain on Jack's neck. The story has been pretty simple with Spoiler focusing all of his offense on Jack's neck. You know the motto chop off the head, the body will fall. Spoiler furthers the story by snapping Jack's neck off the rope. Jack is selling this all great and fighting underneath . You really seeing Jack as the blueprint to the Steamboats and Martels of the world. Now Spoiler goes for the claw. Brisco is great at selling the claw. Eventually he counters it with an atomic leg breaker to get him some seperation. Now Jack is working over the leg with leg dives and other effective work. Jacks looks to be going for the Figure 4. Spoiler is fighting him so Jack has to go for the 1/2 crab instead. Not to be out done Spoiler goes for the claw, Jack counters by attacking the leg . The battle here is super intense. Jack turns it into the Figure 4. The finishes of the falls are interesting. If you're a fan of working holds this match has it in spades. 3 3/4*

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Curry vs Valentine was the perfect way to start a Saturday morning. It was a really special match with incredible heat and intensity. It's pure Houston and the sort of match that the people there almost certainly told their grandkids about. I wish we had dozens more matches with these two.

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This match was awesome! I will definitely be looking for more early 70's content. Notice how Valentine uses his long legs to maintain that wide stance. Did Spoiler learn that from Johnny? Also - Watch the segment right before the rollup and finish to the first fall. Does Curry hit Valentine with two solid potatoes to the face?

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This match was awesome! I will definitely be looking for more early 70's content. Notice how Valentine uses his long legs to maintain that wide stance. Did Spoiler learn that from Johnny? Also - Watch the segment right before the rollup and finish to the first fall. Does Curry hit Valentine with two solid potatoes to the face?


What I was thinking about while watching was the throughlines, how Curry's punching style prepped Houston for rooting for Lothario later in the decade, that sort of thing. We really saw Johnny blade himself too, but he did it in a way that made it look like he was checking for damage or selling. There was almost a craft of its own to what he was doing. To me the best part was the sheer fury of the start of that third fall. It only lasted for a bit before they tumbled to the outside but I was smiling big watching it.

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They say that Johnny really enjoyed inflicting and experiencing pain. Looks like Curry was really pounding his head and face in the last fall for real. And Johnny was loving it! This is really classic - historic footage. I m really happy that we found it and restored it for everyone to enjoy.

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Johnny Valentine vs Wild Bull Curry (Houston Wrestling)


This was something I was looking forward to when Bruce posted the list. Johnny Valentine matches are very rare. I loved both wrestlers here. Johnny has a special aura about him, and Curry has a face only a mother and also a wrestling fan. Valentine would try to slow the pace. Curry was great with his facals while in holds. He really put over the pain. The 1st time Curry gets a flurry of punches in and the crowd goes wild. The punch exchanges here are the best I've ever seen. These looked like something out of a prize fight. You get how Johnny is a master of crowd psychology. He takes them down, then takes them up with the wild fighting. Again the punches in this need to be seen. When Johnny becomes a bloody mess this takes it over the top as a classic. The match ends up as a wild brawl. This is totally chaotic and out of control. Great stuff, with a super heated crowd. 4 1/2*

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Apparently the Terry Funk - Harley Race match we have is only 7 minutes of the third fall - match finish and promo. The first two falls are another reel we haven't received yet.


I will post the footage that we have - then supplement it with the first two falls when we get them. Boesch - Malenko will be next.

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It doesn't mean that there's not Race vs Funk on the table. 7/1/77 and 7/29/77 both happened (apparently). It's the sort of stuff that I think Boesch would have filmed and kept. It just means that we're back to waiting for it.


And who knows? We might get the 82 Funk vs Stomper or one of the many Harley vs Wahoo matches (Big chance of at least one of those), which is another pairing I don't think we have a lot of.

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Apparently this Funk - Race match happened in Houston and Nick Kozack was the referee - because in the promo Funk talks about the match being stopped for blood - and asks for a rematch. Hoping we can locate the first two falls - maybe on the next hard drive - and hopefully the rematch as well.

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That 3rd fall looked to be part of an all time classic. This was just intense and incredible story telling. I popped big how Funk took Race down to set up the spinning toe hold. I really hope you uncover the 1st 2 falls. Plus Funk's promo sets up another match.

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