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6 man tag


It was supposed to be originally going to be the Freebirds, but Hayes mom just died. So we got this match. It's a basic tag match with Rogers doing a good job as FIP. He made all of Angel Of Deaths offense look like it hurt. We get this hot tag. Fulton and Chavo try something that is totally botched. A solid tag though.

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Bulldog Brower vs El Halcon


This went 20 minutes and it dragged.This was pretty boring. Even the crowd is yawning. The most interesting thing is Brower pretending to hear voices , and his facials. This was the epitome of sitting in a headlock.

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Bulldog Brower. Yes he had a different wrestling style - as did many of the guys from up North - but the interesting thing to me is seeing a guy in action that I've mostly seen in magazines - in a match against an opponent with a contrasting style in El Halcon. LOVED his facial expressions and how he bulges his eyes out unlike any other wrestler. No - Brower isn't Jack Brisco or Dory Funk Jr. on the mat - but I still really enjoyed the match - how it was put together - and the finish.


Remember - the best promoters always added an attraction to the card in between the wrestling matches - like a Sheik or a Haystacks Calhoun and I think this match fit this category. Also - you have to remember the time period in which this match was shot and recall that they were worked much slower back in those days.


More good stuff on the way!

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Steve Williams vs Buddy Landell


This was fun. 1st off we got some shots and angles that we haven't seen from the footage before. Landell was great at stalling here. Williams basically midget tosses Landell in this. Buddy was great at putting over Doc's strength. This is a loaded card and it really has something for everyone. Doc is a force of nature. Landell is so good at generating heat. A look here, A look there. Him using the ref as a human shield was so well done. Fun match.

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Lothario/Conway Jr vs Mr. Hito/Sakurada (1/11/80 Houston)


Wow I really enjoyed this. I've always been a guy who prioritized story over athletic ability. Here these guys tell a great story.


One of the things that I really appreciate about the service is being able to really discover guys or seeing guys you have heard about. In this match we have Lothario who has been a real revelation. Conway Jr has solidified himself as a really good baby face. Hito and Sakurada have been put over by Bret Hart so I was really excited to check them out. True to form they had great psychology.


These guys went close to 30 minutes and it was so good. Pre match we have the Japan flag out. Conway has the U.S Flag and now it's really hot. The heels do the awesome Salt ceremony pre match. The match starts and Lothario establishes himself as a smart baby face by stomping Hito's foot which is shoeless. The heels immediately go after Lothario's arm. The heels tag in and out staying fresh focusing on the arm. We see a hot tag and Conway is in. He eventually gets cut off and is worked over. Eventually Lothario's in with some wicked punches, tags in Conway with a Thesz press from the top for 3.


The 2nd fall is more great work . The heels establish dominance and put Lothario out with a double team move.


The 3rd fall was more great heat and shine segments. Eventually this time though they wear down Conway Jr. with a couple of big double team moves and the finish that was a little climsy and supposed to be a slingshot into a chop.


Final thoughts.


I loved all the quick tags. The work was focused. Lothario's punches were wicked. Their was a real sense of struggle. The match had a big time feel to it. All four guys looked good. The story telling was top notch. 4*

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Boyd vs Kozak


This was a real solid match. Both guys worked hard. I enjoyed the limb work. Boyd's forearms were really nasty. The match had a lot of energy to it. I liked how Boyd would disguise his cheating. I hated Kozak just using the chair in front of the ref. A real fun 2nd match on the card. 2 1/2*

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Kevin Von Erich vs Gino Hernandez


The match goes off air w/o a finish. It was cool to see them pre WCCW feud. I loved seeing Gino as a blond. He really feels like a top 10 worker in the U.S at the time. I loved the opening sequence. It got a huge response. We see glimpses of Kevin's mat work that is really underrated. A real fun snap shot on where they'll be headed.

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Brooks vs Gran Marcus


This was solid match. I liked Brooks using elbows and knees. I enjoyed the narrative of Marcus working the arm. They ended up going in a different direction. Brooks is a guy who worked all over Texas. He was never a great worker in the ring, but a great worker when it came to character work and gimmick.

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Buck Robley vs Terry Allen


Buck Robley is a heels heel. CM Punk's yellow shirts were influenced by Robley. Robley's a heel I've always enjoyed. Always had really good psychology. He also had tons of stints as booker in a lot of places. Terry Allen is the future Magnum TA. Allens isn't particularly smooth here, but he shows fire and has an it factor to him. This was a good veteran vs youngster bout. Robley was really good working the back and then eventually the neck. At one point we get a great close up of a Robley stomp. Allen was good fighting underneath. This is good solid match. 2 1/2*

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Finally got to see the Conway/Lothario tag. Couple of thoughts:


1.) In general, I liked this a lot. The major thing it had for it was that it really maximized the stuttering heat. Conway and Lothario had a lot of comebacks but the heels took a little more out of them with each one until they were able to take the second fall. That's not something I've seen as much in the Guerreros matches. There was a real sense of progression here.


2.) To some degree, it's real easy to tell whether or not you'll like the match. There's a moment relatively early on where Lothario's on the wrong side of a test of strength and after a monkey flip, he's selling huge. It's absolutely wonderful, the sense of struggle and meaning and competition and pain that he was able to portray in that moment. It's the sheer joy and wonder of selling, not just the damage a move is doing, but the other side of the coin, the effort of fighting back. It's "selling" the reality of the match and it's what Lothario was so amazing at. Either you value that or you don't. If you do value that, this match had a lot to offer.

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Dibiase vs Gordy


They uploaded 3 matches from the UWF tournament in 86. This is the quarterfinal match in the tournament. Jim Ross said in a blog recently that this tournament was great episodic that was perfect for tv.

This opens up hot with Dibiase claiming PS stands for Prissy Sissy. Hayes sells this big time and we're off. They open up with a real fun spot, and we get a good shine from Ted. He gets cut off, and Gordy is after the neck. He uses clotheslines, knee drops, snaps the neck on the rope. Gordy even delivers a beautiful looking German Suplex. Then Gordy goes for the Oriental Spike. The drama is great here. Dibiase brawls his way back in and hits an amazing looking power slam. We have a ref bump. Hayes and Dibiase mix it up. Gordy nails Dibiase with a piledriver in a throwback to Georgia. 3 1/4*

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Duggan vs Kamala


This is a semi final match. We get an angle right off the bat. Akbar offers Dibiase 25 grand to come back to the fold of Devestation Inc. With the history of Duggan in the ring added a lot to the angle. Dibiase counters 50 Grand and it appears he has signed. Then bam Duggan and Kamala are having a super stiff brawl. Inside and outside the ring they are brawling all over the ring. We go to the finish and Dibiase ko's Kamala. It's a swerve and the crowd goes wild. Great story telling. 3*

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Terry Gordy vs Steve Williams


This is one of my favorite matchups in the UWF. Here they don't get a lot of time, but both bring hard hitting intensity. Hopefully we get the whole tournament. It doesn't seem fair to judge these matches seperate

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