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[2016-04-11-WWE-Raw] Cesaro vs Kevin Owens


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Kevin Owens is a good comedy wrestler but his hilarious trash talk and him posing to the hard cam and saying who's the man isn't stuff that is ever actually going to get real heat. Still his character feels very modern and there is the fact that he has to play to a big part of an audience that just isn't going to boo guys like him. Maybe they would if the workers TRIED, but Vince has obviously given up on classic face/heel dynamics so might as well enjoy the product for what it is. I really loved Cesaro in 2013 but I just haven't been impressed with his work lately. He's been tamed and everything that initially made him special isn't there anymore. Boring match. Why should I care about the limbwork when Cesaro's doing top rope gutwrench suplexes with a bad arm anyway? Boo/yay punch exchanges in a throwaway TV match are about as interesting as Hirooki Goto elbow exchanges. Unexpectedly sloppy at times too. Miz managed to outwork them both by making faces watching this backstage. Owens' fat man Frog Splash was awesome, I would like him more as a Super Porky tribute act. Finish was basically a modern New Japan finisher counter wank-fest so anyone who complains about that should be consistent in applying it.

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