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[2016-08-27-WWE-Puebla, MEX] Bayley vs Charlotte

Matt D

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Pro wrestling comfort food. Sting vs Flair at ~10 minutes with a slightly shorter second act and a slightly more elaborate third act with a second bit of heat. The crowd was into it and ready to play along. Bayley was very over. There were some fun moments, mainly centered around Charlotte stooging (Flair Flop, trying to leave with the belt, some of her cut offs). A little bit of dissonance between how Bayley was portrayed in the match and how lightning and opportunistic the finish felt, but other than that, this was a nice bit of distilled pro wrestling.

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Pro wrestling comfort food. Sting vs Flair at ~10 minutes with a slightly shorter second act and a slightly more elaborate third act with a second bit of heat. The crowd was into it and ready to play along. Bayley was very over. There were some fun moments, mainly centered around Charlotte stooging (Flair Flop, trying to leave with the belt, some of her cut offs). A little bit of dissonance between how Bayley was portrayed in the match and how lightning and opportunistic the finish felt, but other than that, this was a nice bit of distilled pro wrestling.


Not a ton to add here -- Bayley not as fiery as Sting but overcomes that with more natural charisma. As silly as it is to say that Charlotte is not exactly the old man, the name, look and act make it a natural thought. But it seems as though the development of her character and performance as heel champion have really gone under the radar. Very comfortable calling her the best true heel on the roster on the moment, and that's not intended as a slight -- Styles would be but people like him both because he was programmed with Cena and because of how terrific he is in the ring and as an overall performer. Meanwhile Charlotte is simply lout there looking for ways to get a live crowd to dislike and boo her. Its very simple and she's very good at it. Dad should be as proud as he sounds on his podcast. She's also probably come the furthest of the women since they were called up to the main roster.


Really fun house show match that I wouldn't mind seeing live.

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