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[2005-10-10-ZERO-ONE] Koji Kanemoto vs Yoshihito Sasaki


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Kanemoto is such a great prick invader, it's a joy to watch. He completely overwhelms Sasaki in what is a near squash match just blasting him with slaps, kicks and knees. Sasaki does a pretty great job of someone defiant yet outmatched, like when he reaches for *anything* while he's stuck inbetween the ropes and in his childish facial expressions. Kanemoto is just above everyone here, and doesn't really care about the ref or any of Sasaki's pals that consistently yell at him ringside. My favourite moment may have been when Sasaki hit his first hope spot, started celebrating and Kanemoto quickly and swiftly took him down and trapped him in an Ankle Lock. Kanemoto's (running) knee cut offs ruled and the match had a brutal finish of Kanemoto just face punching Sasaki's lights out in a full mount. ****

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  • GSR changed the title to [2005-10-10-ZERO-ONE] Koji Kanemoto vs Yoshihito Sasaki
  • 2 years later...

This is a ZERO1-MAX vs. New Japan interpromotional Jr.'s match. Interpromotional matches in Japanese pro-wrestling are the best as they have hot local crowds going crazy for the local wrestler. Kanemoto comes in and attacks Yoshihito before the bell and begins flipping off the fans and slapping and kicking him around and the Korakuen Hall crowd is going nuts. Yoshihito takes a massive bump over the top rope when Kanemoto gives him a nasty suplex from inside the ring. Yoshihito gets a greatly timed hope spot and hits a spear and the crowd is eating it up, but he’s too beat up and Kanemoto catches him in an ankle lock and we get a great bit with Yoshihito relying on having to desperately bite Kanemoto’s toes to be able to break free. There’s a great bit where they engage in a back and forth battle trading slaps and Kanemoto lets Yoshihito get some slaps in before he just gets fed up of playing games and just dropping him with a single right hand punch to the jaw before grinning at the crowd. Kanemoto’s mannerisms here are great as he’s just a smug invading heel facing a local underdog. Great finish with a TKO with Kanemoto just blasting Yoshihito with right hands from the mount. Great match.

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