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[2000-06-22-GAEA] Lioness Asuka vs KAORU


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This starts off right away as a brawl. Good heat and hatred from the get go. Kaoru is a straight brawler who can do some compelling stuff around Korakuen. Lioness gets sent down the row of chairs and Karou gives her a nice punch to send her over the railing. She then goes to work on Asuka’s leg with a chair getting slammed across the leg repeatedly. Back inside, the table of Asuka comes into play but that is used against her as more damage is done to the leg. Next time the action goes outside, Kaoru goes for a moonsault and Asuka kicks her with the injured limb. Asuka is able to take over now and that culminates in a double stomp on the table on the outside. Kaoru does good in going back to the leg once all hope looks loss back inside the ring of the closing stretch. Asuka comes back and does use her leg a lot much in the same way Misawa does in the 1/9 Hase match. The cradle by Karou looked good and included Asuka having to shove her off by the hair in a nice touch. Asuka comes back with another kick and then puts Karou away with a fisherman buster hold. This had some spotty selling at points and was kind of a poor person’s version of Karou vs Aja from earlier in the year but I did really like the dramatic and hate filled vibe from the match and it felt like a big war for the 18 minutes it occurred. **** (7.8)

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  • 4 months later...

Not my favourite style of wrestling and not my favourite pair of workers but the intensity was off the charts and KAORU was once again involved in one of the best Joshi matches of the year. The finishing stretch could have been trimmed a bit for better effect but they tried to put some nice touches into the transitions even if the selling was a bit spotty as Cha mentioned.

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  • GSR changed the title to [2000-06-22-GAEA] Lioness Asuka vs KAORU

This was an intense match that was almost non-stop hate from the opening bell.  There was some nice use of chairs and tables here and I liked the work over Asuka's leg even though it ends up getting largely ignored.  I wasn't a big fan of the finishing stretch of trading big moves for near falls, but I largely enjoyed this match due to the great intensity throughout. ****

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