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Guest MJHimJfadeaway23

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RVD busted open a few guys in his first matches as well...


Angle was a pussy about it. Having his wife go on the radio and bitch about it didn't make him sound any better. It's wrestling, things happen. HHH didn't get punished for beating the shit out of JR (who's not even a wrestler) and injuring him, and RVD shouldn't have been buried for giving someone a fat lip. Hell, Angle started wearing the mouth guard because Cena busted his grill twice and loosened his teeth. Where was the "he can't work" squad then?


Of course it didn't help their case that Jericho injured the FIRST TWO GUYS HE WRESTLED IN THE COMPANY, and his undersized ass was using a powerbomb as a finisher.


Who's bright idea was it to have Jericho use a powerbomb? Was it Sid's fault that WCW had him jump off the top rope when it wasn't something he normall did? I don't remember Jericho injuring anyone (my mind swiss-cheeses a lot of what happened around that time) but it wasn't like he Droz'ed anyone.

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Jericho did NOT injure the first two guys he worked with in the company. Road Dogg and Ken Shamrock both took time off to sell storyline injuries, but were not really injured. You could stretch and blame him for Stevie Richards breaking his ankle, but it's common knowledge in wrestling that guys take their own bumps. And he did bust Chyna open hardaway with a hair dryer.

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The question regards HHH's ego. Would he rather lose in the last match or win in the next to last one?

Considering that he can make a loss seem like not that big of a deal (for all the wrong reasons), I'll go the former, unless the next to last match is promoted just as strongly and the match is just as well laid out as the main. If it's something like last year's Cena-JBL match, I have a hunch that Helmsley would rather lose in a long title match, just to say that he can work a "true" main event.


Also, in spite of the losses, the guy's been the most consistent fixture in the WM main event (or last match) since 2000. Look at the list.


2000: HHH, Rock, Foley, Show

2001: Austin, Rock

2002: HHH, Jericho

2003: Angle, Lesnar

2004: HHH, Benoit, HBK

2005: HHH, Batista


4 out of the last 6 years have been HHH there, and the last two have been him losing. I wouldn't rule out a third straight loss, because it also means a third straight main event for him, something no one else in the company will touch these days.

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