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[2013-04-05-CZW-WrestleCon] The Sumerian Death Squad (Tommy End & Michael Dante) vs OI4K (Dave & Jake Crist)


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I have heard of both teams here, but I dont think that I have seen any of their stuff before. Then I realise that one of the members of the Sumerian death squad is tommy end aka Alistair black and I know I am in safe hands.


We start with some shoot inspired mat work with end schooling one of the crists. Dante tags in, he looks like a beefy guy, I like him already some nice double teams. End back in, crists take over with a double team codebreaker and qudabra thing. End takes back over with a kick to the gut. Dante in clubs one of the crists. Quick tags beating him up. Jake makes comeback and tags in Dave, he hits a bunch of moves and then some dives. I think Dante screamed Fus Ro Dah at one point. He takes back over. Dante has his nose bust open somehow. Another comeback from the crists, cut off by high kick into German by end, retaliation from Jake with his own kick into tiger suplex, broken up . End knocks Dave out. Nasty double stomp from end. Super rana countered into a double stomp tombstone piledriver WTF. Gets the three count.




I really enjoyed this, it was not an epic but at the same time felt like it could have been if it was the same story but three times the length as it felt like an epic tag match from ajpw in the Olympians era compressed into ten mins. There was zero down time and it flew by. End was violent, dante was stiff and looked badass with blood all over his face, the crists were good as a team taking a kicking but able to make quick comebacks with their innovative offense the look of them was very 80s Crockett just with extra tattoos. They finally were able to string a few moves together one of them being a nuts finisher to get the win. The only problem I see with the match was that due to it being so condensed nothing was given any time and it was back and forth very quick, there were some nasty moves such as the kicks from end or the tiger suplex that were done and then ignored, I would have liked a little more time given to selling these moves, but at its short length it was not a major problem at all. For a star rating I would go around ***1/2 it was very good a damm good upper midcard match




I would like to see more of the death squad as they impressed me as a team here, can anyone recomend me any of their stuff

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