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[2018-01-12-PWG-Mystery Vortex V] Keith Lee vs Zack Sabre Jr


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After 3 awful matches in a row (Starr/Yehi, Janela/Webster, Guevara/Fenix), this sure was needed. Keith Lee & ZSJ had 2 absolutely great matches last year in EVOLVE, so I knew they would deliver here as well. And they sure did - they delivered a great match that's on par w/ the 2 EVOLVE matches I mentioned. The storytelling was very strong in this one - Zack kept baiting Keith into exchanges, Keith always answered to those & because of that Zack got some openings he took advantage of right away. Loved his targeting of Keith's leg, Keith's selling was very good & I loved how as Zack was beating the crap out of that leg, he completely dropped the usually-very-much-in-a-good-mood shtick of his. Great David vs. Goliath wrestling. Keith Lee vs. Zack Sabre Jr. is a great pairing. ****

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  • 2 months later...

This sort of match worked for Sabre's match with WALTER in October, but it doesn't come off as well here. Lee isn't anywhere near the wrestler that WALTER is, and it shows. Aside from the finish, Lee isn't able to outwrestle Sabre or use any surprising transitions. He just has to get the ropes or wait for Sabre to let him up from holds, and his offense is mostly him trying to stiff the crap out of Sabre (although I apprecaite Excalibur's comment that Lee isn't stepping into his strikes to protect the leg). Sabre is a blast to watch, especially when he does little things to bait Lee into putting strain on the leg, like his overselling the bodyslam so that Lee will go for the moonsault and be unable to protect himself. Lee's selling is usually spot on, aside from the spot where he countered the hanging triangle into the powerbomb. ***

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  • GSR changed the title to [2018-01-12-PWG-Mystery Vortex V] Keith Lee vs Zack Sabre Jr

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