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[1982-11-10-AWA-Winnipeg, MB] Nick Bockwinkel vs Andre the Giant

Matt D

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We had 6 minutes of this before. Now we have the full ~20. I had seen 82 Andre in NJPW lately so my hopes were probably a bit too high. This is still very good for what it tried to be. It was a perfectly logical story. For the first act, Andre controlled as Bockwinkel tried to make the gloating most of every chance at an advantage only to get overpowered and forced to retreat. The second third came on a fun transition (Bockwinkel getting his knee up on the corner butt ram), and consisted of him working on the back long enough to lock in the dreaded Singapore Sleeper. While I'm sure Bockwinkel's facial expressions were great enough to carry this for the live crowd, and while they did work in and out of it to a degree, sometimes in clever ways, the camera angle didn't give us the most here and this felt like laying around more than it should have. It was obvious Bockwinkel knew what he was working with and both men knew how to make the most of it though. There's almost no one in wrestling that can just wrap one leg around the other and warrant such selling like Andre. So much of what made the Bock vs Martel series (for instance) work was the multiple camera angles that let you in to see the selling on holds. While the VQ is fine here, we didn't have that and the match suffered for it. In the end (your third act, including the post-match), Andre got out, Larry Hennig (special ref) got involved, and after some Heenan Family shenanigans, the crowd got sent home happy with the babyfaces standing tall. Very good stuff but maybe not great stuff.

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We have Larry Matysik on commentary so this must have been used for St. Louis I guess.We have Larry Hennig. as special ref. Andre using his size to have a advantage. So far it's been all Andre. Andre no sells Bock's offense. Boc runs right into Andre's ass that gets a great reaction. Boc hooks on a sleeper, but Andre escapes. Boc hits a splash, and back to the sleeper. The sleeper lasts a good bit. Andre makes a comeback and Boc is eating all of his offense. Andre takes a shoulder to the post. Boc is beating on him. Heenan gets involved and we get the DQ. Patera and Duncum are beating up on the Ax. Andre returns for the save. I liked the Andre/Race from Houston much better . Psychology wise the match works, but it dragged in spots. 2 1/4*

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  • GSR changed the title to [1982-11-10-AWA-Winnipeg, MB] Nick Bockwinkel vs Andre the Giant

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