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[2001-07-27-NOAH-Accomplish Our First Navigation] Yoshinari Ogawa vs Michael Modest


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Modest is a largely underrated early-to-mid 2000s junior heavyweight whose “thumbs up” schtick was over like rover with the NOAH fanbase. Against Ogawa, these two put on quite the entertaining match-up. After a little showboating to open, Modest starts in with his meathead armwork, hitting a nasty armwhip onto the mat before tearing at Ogawa’s shirt and the bandaged shoulder or throwing a steel chair at Ogawa’s arm. Ogawa’s sells it well, making the ole “pull on the arm” trick look like Modest is trying to yank it out of socket. Of course, the early 2000s was all about absurd offense so we get a bit of that from Modest but we also get some cool tricks, like the bridging top rope fisherman suplex. Modest, being the little Mr. Clean gronk he is, breaks his own pin attempt to deliver the Schwein and then poses, allowing Ogawa to put his foot on the ropes before Modest can cover him. This costs him the match, as Ogawa hits the backdrop hold for a nearfall and then cradles him up for the pinfall. A bit on the silly side but a solid breeze through worth checking out.

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