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[2008-10-12-TNA-Bound For Glory] Kurt Angle vs Jeff Jarrett

Superstar Sleeze

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Kurt Angle vs Jeff Jarrett - TNA Bound For Glory 2008

Jeff Jarrett is returning after a two year absence due to his wife losing her battle with cancer. They made this match very personal with Angle bringing up Jarrett's three daughters and Jarrett saying his daughters are his source of strength when he thought he would have none. Pretty heavy stuff. 

Basic opening to the match. Angle dominates early showing Jarrett's ring rust. They give Jarrett a little bit of shine with a dropkick and knocking Angle over the top rope. Jarrett eats steel off the apron, but that does not really go anywhere as Jarrett is hits signature stradle and then Fargo Strut. They are giving him some stuff to get the crowd invested in them. He is definitely over they are popping for him. On the strut, Angle clotheslines Jarrett out of his boots and cinches in a chinlock. Thus far basic, fundamentals match a little bit of Jarrett shine with Angle cutting him off. Basically this becomes a Best Hits of Jeff Jarrett with Kurt Angle throwing his stuff in there too. Things Like Angle charging and hitting the post hard only to charge back and eat DDT just undercut the legitimacy of the match and the spots. Jarrett and Angle trade some bombs. The superplex and figure-4 was a nice 1-2 combo for Jarrett. Then Angle makes the ropes and hits three Germans. Pretty typical Angle match. Here comes the Anklelock. Ugh. Olympic Slam. Like that will win the match. Ref bump. Mick Foley is the enforcer so you knew that was happening. Jarrett actually hits some pretty good kneelifts to set up the Stroke. 1-2-NO! Good nearfall. Angle low blows Jarrett. Nice! Angle creams Foley and Jarrett with chairshots. Ok, this match is picking up. Foley drags out the ref at 2. Mr. Socko and Jarrett smashes the Guitar over head for the feel-good ending. Sue me, I liked the finish. Everything before was pretty blase and typical Angle just hits spots for the hell of it. I wanted to watch this before the more heralded Genesis 2009 match, but this is totally skippable.  ***

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