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[1985-08-16-Pro Wrestling USA] Road Warriors & Paul Ellering vs The Fabulous Freebirds

paul sosnowski

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The Road Warriors aren't great workers in the traditional sense. They have a special aura about them that the closet thing to them would be Lesnar,Goldberg, and Undertaker. People believed they were real life ass kickers, and the biggest bad asses in wrestling. The Freebirds have a long history in wrestling and are remembered as one of the best trios in wrestling. This match had a buzz from the crowd. The opening one upmanship from Hawk and Gordy was tremendous. Not to be out done Animal press slams Gordy. In a spot that popped me Roberts slams Hawk, Hawk pops up and repeatedly slams Roberts. He even slams Hayes for good measure. Ellering and Roberts had a nice exchange. Roberts worked over Ellering's leg, and in a great revenge spot Ellering posts Robert's leg. To set up the heat Gordy knees Ellering in the  back and the Birds work him over. Eventually it breaks down and we have a brawl. This was a lot of fun. 2 3/4*

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